Bug #230
Particle Generator bug with sunken floors
Start date:
% Done:
If a floor is sunken beneath another floor (like on level 29
in doom2 where there is a floor beneath the lava) and
you have a particle generator assigned to the original flat
that was in that area (in this case we had particles
assigned to the lava), when the new floor is raised, the
generator continues to generate the particle FX on the
raised floor just like it was still the original flat even
though it used a different flat for its texture.
I'm guessing that once the generator is first spawned it
is never checked to see if the flats or mobjs have
changed but I don't know for sure - I just know what the
problem is.
Labels: Data
Updated by yagisan over 17 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
bump - whats happening here ?