Bug #1792
[OS X] Failed to load example plugin
The example plugin is not prepared for deployment and should not be included in the distribution packages on OS X.
Failed to load "/bin/example.bundle/example": [LoadError] (Library::Library) Cannot load library /Applications/Doomsday Engine.app/ Contents/Doomsday.app/Contents/DengPlugins/ example.bundle/example: (dlopen(/ Applications/Doomsday Engine.app/Contents/ Doomsday.app/Contents/DengPlugins/ example.bundle/example, 6): Library not loaded: QtNetwork.framework/Versions/4/ QtNetwork Referenced from: /Applications/Doomsday Engine.app/Contents/Doomsday.app/Contents/ DengPlugins/example.bundle/example Reason: image not found)
Associated revisions
Fixed|Builder|OS X: Omit doom64 and example plugins
These are not intended for general distribution at the moment.
IssueID #1792
Fixed|Builder|OS X: Omit doom64 and example plugins
These are not intended for general distribution at the moment.
IssueID #1792