Feature #1470
Functionality of original Doom sector/line types vs XG
The result of a conversation with Dani about what features of the original doom line/sector types currently can't be done in XG as of 1.9 Beta5:
1. Secret credit (type9): This lack of an xg equivalent can cause some visual imperfections if your map includes colored light because obviously you can't stick an xg sector on the secret credited sector.
2. XG Damaging sectors affected by Rad Suit. Speaks for itself.
3. There is no "monster_use" XG activation requirement, which among other things, prevents the creation of XG doors monsters can open (the only thing a monster can open in Dday is the original door line type 1). Of course a "monster_use" requirement might be very difficult to implement.
4. Certain original Doom plane movement effects stop if something is in the way. It would be cool to have a similar check you could place on any part of an XG def (though I doubt you could literally place such a thing on any part of a def, such as a line texture change).
Also, a glance through the beta5 teleporter XG reveals that non line activated teleports don't seem to have an option to remove the fog effect.
Labels: XG
#1 Updated by danij about 16 years ago
Closing as duplicate.