


Feature #1427

Support for HACX

Added by flamepanther over 18 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
% Done:



Compatability with the HACX expansion for Doom II has
improved in recent versions of jDoom, but there are
still problems. Presently, the game is mostly
playable, but certain map elements such as the vats of
muck in level 1 don't work, the lights and translucency
for the sprites are wrong, the DOOM II cheat commands
are still used, and the DOOM font is still used on the
main menu. Ideally, official support for HACX would
not only fix these issues, but would elininate the need
for a DEH file so that owners of the retail version of
HACX can play it on the Doomsday engine out of the box.
Official support in Doomsday might also encourage the
community to develop texture and model packs for the
game, which I think it deserves.


#1 Updated by flamepanther almost 18 years ago

Logged In: YES

Issues I've found so far:
-Messages and some menus revert to the Doom font instead of
the HACX font.
-Uses the Doom II cheat codes instead of the HACX cheats.
-Uses Doom II exit messages instead of HACX exit messages.
-Default dynamic light and particle effects are wrong.
-Water glows too brightly compared to other textures.
-Between the starting point of Map 1 and the main building,
there is a grey line floating in the air. It is only
visible from below.
-Map 1 is supposed to have vats filled with slime, which
drain when a switch is pressed. Under Doomsday, the vats
are already drained when the level starts.
-The invisible floors on Map 5 don't work at all.

I can provide screenshots if needed. I will keep looking
for any other problems.

#2 Updated by danij almost 18 years ago

- status: open --> closed
- milestone: --> Version 1.9

#3 Updated by danij almost 18 years ago

Logged In: YES
Originator: NO

The majority of these should be considered bugs rather than being grouped under the umbrella of "Add HACX support" since (as you noted), HACX is already playable.

Please try to isolate each issue and submit it as a bug report so that it can be easily tackled by one of the development team.

#4 Updated by flamepanther over 12 years ago

Logged In: YES
Originator: YES

Thanks for the response! I'll follow your advice as soon as HACX becomes playable again. As of beta 5.1, it fails to load the maps, apparently for the same reasons as TNT Evilution and The Plutonia Experiment. I have patience though :)

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