Feature #1366
Hires Patches & the fullscreen HUD
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Currently the fullscreen HUD uses the in-game sprites
of the Medipack, Ammobox, keys etc.
Thus when creating hires icons for the fullscreen HUD
it is necessary to create replacements for the in-game
sprites, resulting that the hires HUD icons are
rendered in game as well.
I would suggest that Doomsday looks for an ST prefixed
variant and uses that instead when rendering the HUD.
So instead of AMMOA0.png one would create STAMMOA0.png
Labels: Graphics
#1 Updated by skyjake about 20 years ago
Logged In: YES
This has already been addressed. Instead of an "ST" prefix,
Doomsday looks for a "-hud" suffix, e.g. "AMMOA0-hud.png".
#2 Updated by danij almost 20 years ago
Logged In: YES
Ah good. I couln't find mention of this anywhere in any of
the documentation though, I'll update the Wiki.