Feature #1333
Specific data component in line/plane/sector reference
When creating switches with more than one effect it
would be usefull to reference lines/planes/sectors by
specifying the act tag directly.
So for instance line 1 is a switch that starts a chain
sequence. The first line type in the chain is a plane
move of plane referenced by the switch line's sector
tag. The second line in the chain sequence is another
plane move but this time the reference is directly implied
in the line type.
So eg - when using lpref_tagged_floors to refer to the
plane with the tag of the refering line, you could instead
specify the data component to find the referenced plane.
Labels: XG
#1 Updated by danij over 19 years ago
Logged In: YES
I've just found that this functionality already exists. Maybe
the XG doc needs updating as there is no mention of this.