Feature #1253
Menus use fonts for unmodified games
I just made a set of souper-hi-res fonts for jdoom, but
when I loaded them into the patches dir I see lots of
places where they arent used.
The skill selection, level names etc should be able to
be modified by total conversions as Danij666 pointed
out; So how about a comprimise?
When there are no pwads that replace the menu graphics
and level names, you can generate these items from
strings using the fonts. That way the hi-res fonts can
be easily made and take less space, but youll still see
proper levelnames if authors have put them into their
own wads.
Thanks ,
Labels: Customizability
Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago
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In 1.7.12, jDoom will have a feature called "Patch
Replacement". You can define replacement strings for
patches using Values. (See Defs\jDoom\Values.ded in the
CVS for info.)
Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago
Logged In: YES
I agree. This should work pretty well, except with the
Nightmare lump, which doesn't use the normal font. OTOH, I
can't remember any other places where the normal font isn't
Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
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pie is good