From 2017-10-16 to 2017-10-29
22:01 Revision 3a00a861 (github): Refactor|libshell: Moved PackageDownloader to libshell
20:06 Revision 6b3762e0 (github): FS|Resources|Refactor: Querying packages from remote repositories
- A repository Link now has knowledge of which packages are available
remotely, and provides the list of remote files t... -
19:45 Revision c7524f11 (github): Resources|libdoomsday: Utility methods for file name manipulation
19:44 Revision 001570e2 (github): libcore: Added a helper method for MD5 hashing
12:00 Revision ef9d6f94 (github): Refactor|FS: Continued refactoring remote file repository classes
- The different types of repositories form a class hierarchy, and
the application (DoomsdayApp) can register its own re...
13:46 Revision fd2e32ef (github): Refactor|libcore: Cleanup
09:48 Revision cecbdf1e (github): FS: Experimenting with a web-hosted file repository
- This needs some refactoring: a repository should present a collection
of packages, not raw files. Also, libcore shoul... -
09:42 Revision 3c2cc7bf (github): Cleanup
09:41 Revision bde41ea7 (github): FS|libcore: Clarified waiting behavior when populating file system
09:31 Revision 075471b3 (github): libcore: Various API improvements to core classes
11:24 Revision f0b87e27 (github): Cleanup
10:01 Revision 4e005e35 (github): UI|Client: Updated UI terminology
- "Packages": Any kind of data file, mod, package, etc. including the
core net.dengine.* packages, game IWADs, etc.
"M... -
09:59 Revision f153586b (github): Resources|libdoomsday: Cached remote files are tagged as "hidden", "cached"
09:25 Revision acb7bc41 (github): Network|Client: Server version check for remote repository
09:24 Revision 6b94a095 (github): libcore: Version constructor
20:38 Revision 630cfbdb (github): Cleanup
18:21 Revision 91c05c38 (github): UI|Client: Progress popup for remote file downloads
18:20 Revision f09c4cb1 (github): libcore: Cancelling remote file downloads
18:18 Revision c9c0b468 (github): FS|libcore: Safe file removal
08:32 Revision 325bb571 (github): Refactor|Client|Network: Moved package downloader to its own class
08:32 Revision a69396c8 (github): FS|libcore: Renamed cached remote files; notify about download progress
07:32 Revision 30ba7091 (github): Refactor|UI|Client: Added base class for download dialogs
07:28 Revision ad2b8cec (github): UI|Client: Cleanup
07:28 Revision 9449cb86 (github): Widgets: Added common interface for objects providing size rules
08:18 Revision 685b533e (github): Cleanup: Log messages
08:18 Revision 593641dd (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Server's map outline was shown vertically mirrored
07:27 Revision edd5081c (github): Cleanup
09:07 Revision c1e49221 (github): Client: Show event loop frequency in "net info"
09:06 Revision 2a5aa5f4 (github): Server: Use normal event loop frequency when users connected
- This counts shell/FS users as well as players in the game.
09:05 Revision d5e6dd4e (github): FS|Network: Reuse locally cached copies of remote files
09:04 Revision 0653ff93 (github): libcore: Querying current event loop frequency
09:04 Revision 373d2310 (github): Cleanup
08:19 Revision 5ce62349 (github): Cleanup
22:53 Revision fdbe111f (github): FS|Client: Downloading remote packages
22:40 Revision 1ab7626b (github): libcore|Socket: Always prefer speed when compressing payloads
22:40 Revision 3ba43566 (github): FS|libcore: Improved behavior of linked packages
- A package's root folder may be behind a link. PackageLoader will
also accept package source files in addition to the ... -
22:36 Revision 23a31060 (github): FS|libcore: Finding linked files
- When looking for a file of a specific type, accept a link target if it
happens to have the right type. -
22:35 Revision be6383c4 (github): Cleanup
20:03 Revision 03befd17 (github): Fixed|Resources: Corrected behavior of the "-pkg" option
- Like "-file", "-pkg" specifies packages to load in the automatic
game profile only. -
20:00 Revision bc38422d (github): Fixed|Server: Threading issue with log entries
13:51 Revision 3e9cc619 (github): Resources|libdoomsday: Reading a PK3 file as raw data
11:23 Revision a87a87eb (github): FS|RemoteFeed: Remember remote status of cached files
- The real last-modified time of remote files is stored in a special
auxiliary file. This ensures that non-versioned fi... -
09:38 Revision 22499025 (github): Windows|Fixed: Build errors
08:19 Revision 673d5cae (github): Cleanup
08:19 Revision 14be7e00 (github): libcore: Cleanup
- The server's RemoteFeed repository folder shouldn't be hardcoded
in libcore. -
08:12 Bug #1821: [Hexen] Monsters do not always awaken (Seven Portals and elsewhere)
- Should be retested in light of #2261.
08:09 Feature #1878 (In Progress): [MP] Hosted files/pwads etc need client download and auto load/unload files
08:09 Feature #2185 (In Progress): Package repositories
08:09 Feature #1766 (In Progress): Server-supplied (i.e., remote) resource files
07:42 Revision 9babf4c3 (github): Client|FS: Unloading remote packages on disconnect
- When the connection to a server is closed, files downloaded from
the server should be automatically unloaded.
22:14 Revision 5515b674 (github): Client|FS|Multiplayer: Download missing packages from server before joining
- ServerLink's joining procedure was expanded to include an async step
for downloading any packages that the client is ... -
22:12 Revision 44ca70d4 (github): Server|FS: Server offers custom files for remote access
- Packages that are not vanilla IWADs or Doomsday's core packages are
now made available via remote feed so clients can... -
22:09 Revision c4d6bb89 (github): Console|libdoomsday: Added the "ds" command for running Doomsday Script
- The arguments of "ds" are parsed and executed as Doomsday Script.
22:08 Revision b66a8a6d (github): Resources|libdoomsday: Path handling in internal package metadata
- Metadata for packages is supposed to be relative to the package
root, so now the "dataFiles" variable in data bundles... -
22:04 Revision a04fbbb9 (github): FS|Network: Improving remote file access
- RemoteFile now stores the actual file in the cache using the
original name, and is derived from LinkFile to provide a... -
21:59 Revision 2229b547 (github): libcore: API improvements
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