From 2013-10-07 to 2013-10-20
07:59 Revision dd7f0ec8 (github): Documentation: Fixed some warnings from Doxygen
- A missing reference and an obsolete config setting.
13:17 Revision 6c4531e8 (github): Refactor|libcommon: Pass sector-plane-impacted arguments via Sector_TouchingMobjsIterator
11:07 Revision a20f18b2 (github): Refactor|libdoom: Pass mobj-avoid-dropoff arguments via Mobj_TouchedLinesIterator
- Also fixed a potential bug here, where the bounding box of the mobj
attempted to avert the drop off was not initializ... -
09:30 Revision 7b748ea2 (github): Refactor|libcommon: Pass mobj-torque arguments via Mobj_TouchedLinesIterator
08:44 Revision d88f846c (github): libcommon: Fix monster teleport behavior (refactoring oversight)
08:01 Revision 3b756987 (github): libcommon: Cleaned up mobj teleporting/telefragging
06:07 Revision dd99f584 (github): Refactor|libcommon: Pass spike-thrust/lostsoul-cross arguments via Mobj_BoxIterator
05:21 Revision d1ed2056 (github): Refactor|libcommon: Pass radius-attack traverser arguments via Mobj_BoxIterator
04:19 Revision c85a816e (github): Refactor|libcommon: Pass player-bounce/slide traverser arguments via the Interceptor
03:46 Revision 70699afc (github): Refactor|libcommon: Pass player-use traverser arguments via the Interceptor
- It is no longer necessary to use global variables for this purpose.
02:51 Revision 44a2367c (github): World|Interceptor: Cleanup
01:55 Revision 53292642 (github): API|Map: Revised Intercept representation
- One can now reference the Interceptor from which an Intercept was
produced via the Intercept info if needed, simplify...
20:31 Revision dd889e99 (github): Fixed|libdeng1|Reader: Reading 16/32-bit values
- An incorrect return type for Reader_8() caused the higher bytes of
16/32-bit values to be truncated to zero. -
19:12 Revision 6742dd2d (github): Fixed|libdeng1|Reader: Possibly undefined operation
- Attempting to fix a warning about post-increments.
19:05 Revision d4c7ba91 (github): Fixed|libdeng1|Reader|Writer: Avoiding pointer alignment issues
- Some CPU architectures do not look kindly upon pointer misalignment.
14:13 Revision 7cf66dba (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
14:09 Revision 88376fa0 (github): qmake: Don't link libgui to the game plugins
- A server build does not include libgui, so the plugins shouldn't
rely on it at this stage. -
14:02 Revision abfc2a10 (github): Fixed|libcommon: Build errors and warnings in p_map.cpp
- Jumping over variable initialization with goto is illegal. Moved
the variables before the gotos.
Also, fixed warning... -
08:50 Revision 94990248 (github): libcommon: Updated wrt intercept_t changes
08:39 Revision 544470cb (github): Refactor|World|Map|Interceptor: Relocated intercept list functionality into Interceptor
- Still global/shared, though.
07:47 Revision cf1468d9 (github): API|Map: Cleanup
07:38 Revision 17b5d982 (github): World|Map: Derived Interceptor from previously global path traversal logic
- Interceptor instances are visible publicly as opaque pointers.
04:34 Revision 77119471 (github): libcommon: Further cleaned up common/src/p_map.cpp
03:47 Revision def81556 (github): libcommon: Cleanup
03:26 Revision 59fd4753 (github): Refactor|libcommon: Switched common/src/p_map to C++
01:49 Revision 0469da54 (github): World|Map: Defined missing Map::lumobj(int index) lookup method
01:42 Revision 86eb38c6 (github): API|Map: Removed divline_t
00:39 Revision ec3c3002 (github): API|Map: Unused functions removed; P_PathTraverse reformatted
20:41 Revision 76c5eef3 (github): Fixed: Build failure (invalid operands)
- gcc 4.6.3 on Raspbian says that '&&' cannot take int and va_list as
operands. The variable argument list parameter sh... -
20:00 Revision a604b47d (github): Fixed|libgui: Build failure in the dummy DisplayMode
- The dummy version of the native DisplayMode routines had not been
updated since the latest changes to the API. -
03:13 Revision f10c62d6 (github): API: Revised mechanism for map element interception traces
- Each trace now uses a TraceState which passed as an argument to the
path trace callback function. The old global vari... -
00:20 Revision 14d39567 (github): World|Map: Removed unnecessary sector filter from Map::bspLeafBoxIterator()
- The caller can just as easily implement this in the callback.
22:47 Revision 1d7f6c0a (github): World|Map: Cleanup
22:33 Revision 104d96c0 (github): Refactor|World|Map: Extracted algorithm for map element path interception
- Map now provides all the API mechanisms to implement this algorithm
outside of the map itself. In the future this can... -
20:13 Revision ece0b618 (github): Refactor|World|Map: Moved blockmap path traversal into Blockmap
18:36 Revision b07e2716 (github): World|Map: Continued unraveling Blockmap path traversal
17:45 Revision 28502cea (github): Fixed|World|Map: Qt 4.7 compatibility (no QVarLengthArray operator <<)
13:25 Revision 5f243e67 (github): World|Map: Pass the trace origin into the blockmap path traversers
- In future the trace state will not be contained within de::Map, so
don't assume that we can access this once the trac... -
04:05 Revision 85dd2f92 (github): Typo
04:02 Revision 20c8af10 (github): World|Blockmap: Cleanup
03:23 Revision da323278 (github): Map Renderer|Client: Cleanup
02:57 Revision a349f76e (github): Map Renderer|Client: Use a viewer-local QBitArray for flagging visible BSP leafs; cleanup
01:20 Revision ee2dc17b (github): World|Map: Use QVarLengthArray to collect map element pointers from link nodes
23:26 Revision 7ceb5333 (github): World|Map: Continued cleaning up map internal data structure init/traversals
10:03 Revision f439b9f5 (github): World|Blockmap: Cleanup
09:00 Revision 01dc408a (github): World: Added LineBlockmap
08:10 Revision 5e2bd632 (github): Refactor|World|Blockmap: BlockmapCellBlock is now inclusive-exclusive
- Previously an inclusive-inclusive representation was used. Although
this representation is immediately easier to use ... -
04:03 Revision b9dfdfce (github): Typos
03:54 Revision 985c2920 (github): Server: Removed gridmap.h/cpp from the project
03:53 Revision 9c2631c6 (github): Fixed|All Games: Latent links to deceased mobjs in the Blockmap
- Whenever a mobj is moved on the XY plane, regardless of the distance,
it is paramount that the engine is informed of ...
23:22 Revision 00d2eb32 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
23:21 Revision 1d4129ac (github): Refactor|World|Blockmap: Blockmap now encapsulates Gridmap
- The level at which Gridmap was abstracted from Blockmap is not useful.
There are however two meaningful abstractions;... -
19:05 Revision 675e466c (github): Cleanup
19:04 Revision 11284dac (github): UI|Client: Polished About dialog contents
19:03 Revision 7743378a (github): libdeng2|Time: Parsing time from built-in preprocessor defines
- This works with "__DATE__ __TIME__".
09:40 Revision 31661438 (github): Gridmap|Data: Cleanup
03:19 Revision deb5f4a5 (github): Map Renderer|BlockmapVisual: Cleanup
02:48 Revision ba75ecc9 (github): World|Mobj|Lumobj: Added Mobj_AABox() and Lumobj::aaBox() methods; cleanup
14:14 Revision 8e755167 (github): OS X|Audio: Use CoreAudio's DLS soundfont if no other specified
- If 'music-soundfont' is empty (the default), we will now try to load
the CoreAudio basic DLS soundfont. -
10:52 Revision 4351e382 (github): World|Blockmap: Blockmap is used as a base for ContactBlockmap
09:44 Revision 9ad97ec8 (github): World|Map: Cleanup
09:06 Revision 7c502c0b (github): Refactor|World|Client: Renamed ContactBlockmap source files
- These files now contain Contact and ContactList.
08:37 Revision 2b51264c (github): Merge branch 'master' of
08:36 Revision 7279e048 (github): Refactor|World: Split contact spreading algorithm from the contact blockmap
- Todo for later: I'm not satisfied with this API...
07:48 Revision 68932831 (github): Updater: Notification uses accent color when update available
- Now the small notification icon uses the accent color if an update
is available, so that it is visually distinct from... -
06:16 Revision 9f892e63 (github): World|Map|Client: de::Map has ownership of the contact blockmaps
- Todo: Cleanup.
04:45 Revision 33c7490b (github): World|ContactBlockmap|Client: Use a regular Blockmap for Contact spreading
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