



From 2011-04-20 to 2011-05-03


19:22 Revision e62f69bc (github): Reinstate Finale menu triggering which I disabled for debugging and then inadvertently commited.
19:15 Revision b6d812e5 (github): Continued menu cleanup:
* Implemented MNF_FOCUS and MNF_DEFAULT (focus) flags.
* Added predefined fonts and colors to the menu render state.
14:53 Revision c47b413b (github): Disabled the "hotkey" focus object selection for now. This needs re-implementing so that a "focus shortcut key" is defined in mn_object_t and updated during page (re)initialization in the case of Text defined labels.
Added non-focusable menu objects.
General cleanup.
10:37 Revision 82c4d845 (github): Continued work on the game menu. Nearly there now, just a few more fixes to existing widget functionality and I'll be able to start on the new positioning/scrolling algorithm.
10:32 Revision 59de2362 (github): Fixed bug in the text renderer which would disable the type-in effect if the "glitter" effect was disabled.


12:43 Revision fba50160 (github): Back to the present.
12:39 Revision 09d03ca2 (github): Continued fixing up the menu.


22:48 Bug #961: Hexen crashes on start-up with certain xccp models
This issue should now be fixed. danij
19:31 Revision 92e98b5d (github): Client: Fixed initial issues with Heretic
Related to mobj spawning and the DDPF_LOCAL flag. skyjake
13:38 Revision fc813874 (github): Continued fixing up the game menu:
* Extended ccmd "savegame" to allow saving without specifying a name when the target save slot has already been used ... danij


14:31 Revision 6e88c01e (github): Further cleanup of the game message log.
Back to working on the menu now methinks. danij
12:23 Revision e4da60f3 (github): Various fixes to the player game message log:
* Drawing failed to consider the log scale factor when calculating the y scroll offset factor.
* Drawing would begin ...
05:10 Revision 3401a5e4 (github): Fixed bug in the hud which meant the supposedly "unhideable" messages in the player's log would be hidden if the message log itself was hidden.
When the cvar "msg-show" is changed a log visibility change notification message is now sent to the console player us... danij
02:05 Revision e29d4be3 (github): Split up Hu_MenuCommand moving the object-specific menucommand reponses into object command responders. No responder chain/stack mind you - only the focused object gets a chance to process the command before its handed off to the page's responder if not eaten.


23:44 Revision 054f57e7 (github): Another batch of game menu fixes and cleanup.
No page scaling/scrolling yet, however. I'm hoping to achieve a clean and fully-functional base before I go any further. danij


12:01 Revision cc166add (github): Another batch of menu fixes - its nearly in a useable state again. Scrolling menu/scaling has been disabled however, as the algorithm used for it no longer works with the new menu representation.
A new object positioning algorithm and scrolling mechanic is now needed. danij


20:12 Bug #961 (Closed): Hexen crashes on start-up with certain xccp models
1. Install clean copy of DoomsDay 1.9.0beta6.9 - add only Hexen WAD on Windows XP SP3
2. Within snowberry, add only ...
20:12 Bug #961: Hexen crashes on start-up with certain xccp models
Narrow down the decor that causes the crash to the 'destructible tree' model.... sgparry
19:20 Revision e467c717 (github): First batch of fixes to the game menu. Most of it is at least useable now.


23:07 Revision c79c09dd (github): Normalize line endings.
22:59 Revision 2156d98f (github): Added variants of MNSlider::Drawer and MNSlider::Dimensions for textual seconds and used for the hud and msg uptime controls in the menu.
Replaced HUD cheat counter widgets with cvar sliders (todo: implement a bitfield behavior adaptor to MNSlider).
18:32 Revision 7846e74b (github): Split the "in-line" list object variant in the game menu into a new object type, as these require somewhat different behavior. MN_LIST type objects are now selectable yet there is presently no navigation of their list subelements.
09:22 Revision ec9577c8 (github): Fix typo in previous commit.
09:14 Revision 7e800597 (github): Reimplemented the "quick" save slot as a console variable.
Enhanced the "loadgame" and "savegame" console commands to allow referencing the current quick save slot using the ke... danij
09:00 Revision eefbbd35 (github): Changed: Console command usage info printed to the console now outputs the description first, followed by the usage patterns then the extra info (in CBLF_LIGHT). Fixed indenting.
02:59 Revision 88117b93 (github): Minor bug and typo fixes to previous commit.
02:21 Revision 81d7e9d3 (github): Massaged the high-level interface to the game-save module somewhat, cleaning it up.
Implemented variants of the loadgame and savegame console commands which allow loading/creating game-saves directly f... danij


21:30 Revision bb06778e (github): Win32: Fixed build (removed obsolete source files)


12:41 Revision ce70b89e (github): Cleanup.
12:28 Revision 58a28286 (github): Fixed determineGlobalPaths was using the wrong Dir constructor on *nix.
11:57 Revision ce77188f (github): Couple of small fixes to previous commit.
11:34 Revision 88fba1ba (github): Removed 99% of the remaining fixed-length file path limitations. The only remaining fixed length paths within the engine are; global paths (such as basedir, runtimedir), low-level paths in the early init stages of the system layer and finally, those used by directory_t On game-side its just the saved game related paths.
Refactored directory_t mimicing the interface semantics of it's Qt::Dir counterpart. Behavior is now logically equiva... danij


17:39 Revision b67faf2b (github): Server sends player's initial spawn position
When the map changes, it is possible that it takes a while
before the entire world state has been transferred to the
11:04 Revision 123cd31d (github): Removed obsolete files and code segments


21:25 Revision 3331c2ae (github): More robust pos/mom/angle fixes
To ensure that the fix is applied to the correct mobj, the
fix now includes the clmobj ID for which the fix is intend...
17:55 Revision 86441e7e (github): Client: Spawn local player mobjs far away
14:14 Revision 955d399c (github): Client: Fixed showing of chat messages in HUD
13:53 Revision 7aec8240 (github): Client: Fixed spawning of other players
The client was spawning only the console player in the correct manner. skyjake
04:28 Revision 1e010e2b (github): Allow for empty node names in PathDirectory, we need to be able to represent root on unix (etc).
02:36 Revision ecd13876 (github): Whitespace changes.
02:36 Revision fb7c1309 (github): Made the predeclaration of PathDirectoryNode_Destruct match the implementation.


20:04 Revision d1ec31a0 (github): Refactored users of M_ReadFile to use M_ReadFileCLib instead.
Fixed jDoom: Memory leak in SV_v19_LoadGame - if the saved game is determined to be from an unsupported version this ... danij
18:53 Revision 60165cf2 (github): Do not use the lump cache in dpdehreader's ReadDehackedLump - we are currently copying the lump into a local buffer anyway (for the sake of adding a terminating zero, yuck). Instead simply determine the size of the lump and read it directly into our local buffer.
17:56 Revision 6af1cd58 (github): Minor cleanup.
17:56 Revision 8d61b336 (github): Removed W_CRCNumber from the public API as it is of no use to plugins. The rest of the API allows access to our internal file system using an abstract interface which hides the detail of whether resources have been loaded from Zip, the real local file system or indeed the WAD lump directory. Simply taking a CRC of the IWAD's lump directory is of no benefit for writing to save games (the only possible reason I can see why this was made public).
Removed W_OpenAuxiliary from the public API. We abstract access to WAD lumps so the game should never need to call it... danij
16:25 Revision 4d436513 (github): Fixed hires texture loading. Each ResourceNamespace still require's it's own FileDirectory (which is cleared every time the namespace is rebuilt) as there is no existing logic to update namespaces when a new set of files are added.
Todo: It should now be possible to determine which resource namespace(s) need updating after each file addition/remov... danij
15:27 Revision 0fe9641e (github): Removed superfluous '0' character in mapdata.hs
06:42 Revision e52eb3b4 (github): Make use of the "raw" texture hash in FinaleInterpreter
06:41 Revision 0f62d869 (github): Allow Material to inherit it's logical dimensions from the those of it's primary Texture are prepare time if they have not already been set.
When a Material's logical dimensions change - update all world surfaces currently using it (light decorations). danij
06:41 Revision b2c81026 (github): Represent the symbolic names in patchcompositetex_t, patchtex_t, rawtex_t and spritetex_t as ddstring_t

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