Bug #748
Mus_Start: Couldn't open dd-buffered-song for writing(...)
Original thread - http://dengine.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=97
Using and enabling a music addon works for title screen music. Whenever a new game is started, a map warp is performed, or otherwise whenever a Music Track Change is triggered, the following error is presented in the Console/Log
The message "Mus_Start: Couldn't open dd-buffered-song for writing. Permission denied"
ALT+TAB'ing out of Doomsday, the file "dd-buffered-song" is in the /runtime/ folder which remains the MP3 of the title song despite the game being on E1M1 or Map01. This suggests that the dd-buffered-song is staying locked by Doomsday when initially created and not beung released/unlocked, hence the Access Denied message (UAC and Folder Permissions were verified to be OK).
Labels: Music
Updated by danij over 15 years ago
Hopefully this issue is now fixed in 1.9.0-beta6.6 but if not please re-open this report and we will investigate further.