Bug #280
Client Crashes Upon Joining of Network Game
Using 2 win32 machines running clean installs of beta4,
I was able to replicate a crash that happens when a
client joins a network (co-op)game. Upon joining the
game, the client will immediately crash back to
windows. The server remained unaffected.
Labels: jDoom Multiplayer
Updated by jason_scalia almost 19 years ago
.out Dump
Updated by skyjake almost 19 years ago
Logged In: YES
I think there is an existing report about this problem. It has been around for a
while now... Must fix for 1.9.0.
Updated by jason_scalia almost 19 years ago
Logged In: YES
The last bit of info during testing in the .out file is as follows:
S-StartMusic: dm2ttl
N_InitService: In/Out UDP port 13209
I've tried in different os's and different ports etc and still the client crashes upon
joining. KuriKai also verified this during our testing.
Updated by yagisan almost 19 years ago
Logged In: YES
hmm. two beta4 boxes, both ubuntu reproduced this today.
Message from the other player was this:
(02:19:57) cbx33: ERROR Cl_HandlePlayerInfo: console:0
(02:19:57) cbx33: Cl_HandlePlayerInfo: console:1 name:Player
(02:19:57) cbx33: psv_sync: gameTime=86.590
(02:19:57) cbx33: Doomsday 1.9.0-beta4 Server (R6)
(02:19:58) cbx33: Cl_Frame2Received: Unknown delta type 35.
(02:20:00) cbx33: Z_Shutdown: Used 1 volumes, total 33554432
(02:20:45) cbx33: ping Yagisan
Updated by jason_scalia almost 19 years ago
Logged In: YES
I was actually able to play for a few moments using
plutonia.wad connecting from a linux (Fedora Core 5) hose to
a win32 server. I crashed with the following error:
ERROR Cl_HandlePlayerInfo: console:0 name:DIXIE NORMOUS
Cl_HandlePlayerInfo: console:1 name:JAY
psv_sync: gameTime=1.540
Doomsday 1.9.0-beta4 Server (R6)
Cl_Frame2Received: Unknown delta type 14.
Z_Shutdown: Used 1 volumes, total 33554432 bytes.
Looks like yagisan and I are seeing similar errors.
Updated by skyjake over 18 years ago
Logged In: YES
Unknown delta type errors fixed in revision 3341. Further problems with
multiple clients probably still remain, and will be investigated.