


Bug #267

Can't complete Doom2 MAP30 with game-corpse-time = 1

Added by danij over 19 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
% Done:



Futtbucker reports:
isn't the game supposed to end when you toss a few
rockets into the exposed brain/Romero on a pike? I know
I'm hitting it, especially since all the explosions
come up after 4 or 5 rockets, but then nothing happens.

Mindless rambler reports:
You have disappearing corpses set to 1 second. If so,
set it to 2 seconds instead.

Labels: jDoom Gameplay


#1 Updated by danij about 19 years ago

Logged In: YES

This problem is due to the way the corpse removal works.

Currently when game-corpse-time is set the logic is that the
mobj is removed completely from the level when its time is up.

The Action that triggers the end of the game is attached to
the LAST frame of the boss brain.

So with a corpse-time of 1 second this isn't enough time for
the boss brain's death sequence to finish and it is removed
from the level prematurely, thus preventing the game from
being completed.

Also because the mobjs are actually destroyed it makes the
game easier as the Archvile doen't have any time at all to
be able to raise the undead, making this a significant
gameplay change.

What should happen:
Mobjs should never be removed by corpse-time. Instead the
DONT_DRAW flag should be manipulated, turning it on when
corpse removal should occur.

This flag should be turned off again when an Archvile
attempts to raise the corpse. This disadvantages the player
though as he has no idea there is an invisible corpse there
but it is unavoidable and something the player will have to
accept when using this feature.

Some mobjs should be exempt from corpse-time (boss-brain,
hanging Keen's). Turn this into a mobj flag.

#2 Updated by danij almost 19 years ago

Logged In: YES

Fixed in SVN for 1.9.0-beta4

Implemented as per details in previous comment except:

I have refrained from adding a new MF_ flag to toggle this
behaviour due to upcoming work on commonizing/making
available all mobj flags across all three games.

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