Bug #2445
Doomsday Crashes When Loading Master Levels for Doom II
Thanks for hard work on the Source Port.
I am currently running Doomsday 2.3 on Gentoo Linux (Hardened, Systemd, No multi-lib, Gnome/Wayland, Pipewire) with Kernel 5.10.10.
When I try and follow the steps listed by skyjake at the below forum link:
Doomsday hangs, with a short burst of music and a partially transitioned title screen displayed. This is the only time I experience this issue. I can play Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Final Doom, Heretic I, Hexen I and II and No Rest for the Living without issue. I am using the WADs that come from Steam.
I have confirmed the same behaviour on the Flatpak Doomsday 2.3 binaries hosted on Flathub as well.
Please let me know if there are any troubleshooting steps I could take that would provide you with more info.
Updated by wzbhptguuk about 4 years ago
Sorry, just wanted to add that by Hexen II, I really mean Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel.
Updated by wzbhptguuk over 3 years ago
Also, I have also confirmed identical behaviour in this regard in a stock Fedora 34 install, with identical steps. I used the flathub version of Doomsday at stock settings, and the steam wads for Doom II and Master Levels.
Updated by wzbhptguuk over 3 years ago
The problem is now partially fixed. If I add the relevant .WAD to Doom II first, and then play DOOM II, it will play without hanging. However, if I follow the above instructions and use the "Play in" -> Doom II method. I am still getting hangs regardless of the .WAD.