Bug #228
DEH file level names and descriptions are ignored.
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% Done:
When loading a DEH file the replacement text for the
intermission screes and the level names is ignored by
I can confirm this under Linux with doom2 and alien
vendetta, it was also reported here
http://forums.newdoom.com/showthread.php?t=27008 by a
windows user.
Attached is the Doomsday.out showing the deh file being
loaded and a screenshot of level 30. The screenshoot
should say Point Dreadful, instead it displays the
standed Doom2 Icon of Sin title.
Labels: jDoom
#1 Updated by yagisan almost 20 years ago
Screenshot of wrong title
Attachments:#2 Updated by yagisan almost 20 years ago
#3 Updated by yagisan over 19 years ago
Logged In: YES
Tried again in 1.9.0beta2. Works fine, it seems it was a
user error. missing -deh before the dehacked patch.