


Feature #1428

Support for Chex Quest

Added by flamepanther over 18 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
% Done:



I doubt this will be taken seriously, but here it is.
It shouldn't take many changes to jDoom to create a
jChex. Some source ports can play the game relatively
accurately using a DEH patch, but it requires
extensions to the DEH format that are not supported by
Doomsday, such as defining what items are dropped by
monsters. For whatever reason, Legacy has been adding
support for Chex Quest, but I think it would be more
enjoyable to play it in the Doomsday engine.

Labels: Data


#1 Updated by danij about 18 years ago

- status: open --> closed

#2 Updated by danij almost 18 years ago

Logged In: YES
Originator: NO

It is my understanding that the official release version of Chex Quest was indeed a DOOM PWAD+DEH patch? As such, it should be used with jDoom.

For 1.9.0 we will be revising the interface which Doomsday provides plugins to manipulate the engine-internal databases (such as the THING type definitions). At that time I'll investigate the requirements of the BEX extensions and see if it is feasible to support them in the dehreader plugin.

#3 Updated by flamepanther over 12 years ago

Logged In: YES
Originator: YES

The official release was a CD-ROM with an iWAD, an already modified Doom II DOS executable, and a Windows launcher with intro and outro FMV clips (Indeo codec AVIs, I think). The DEH file that's floating around approximates the modifications that were made to the Doom II executable, but the file is not part of the official release. It's fan-made and as you say, it requires BEX extensions. Support for that does seem like a reasonable substitute for an actual jChex though. Thanks for looking into that!

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