Feature #1365
XG additions and improvements
Silent teleport & teleport line classes:
I have only just realised that there is no support for
teleporters in XG at all.
It would be very useful to have both regular and silent
teleports implemented in XG.
Seperating the real and drawn height of planes:
Another very useful feature would be seperating the real
height and the drawn height of floors and ceilings so
that you could offset the real height (and/or) the drawn
height using XG line classes. It would be nice to have
the option to specify them diectly in an XG sector type
Seperate lighting for floor and ceiling:
It is possible using doom.exe tricks (which Doomsday
supports) to use different lighting on the floor and
ceiling of the same sector, however it is a very messy
method. It would be far better if this could be achieved
(and modified) via XG.
Translucent mid textures on twosided lines set via a
value in an XG line.
Labels: XG
#1 Updated by danij almost 20 years ago
Most of these have either already been implemented or are now in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.