deus-ex's activity
From 2006-07-22 to 2006-08-04
- 19:33 Doomsday Engine Feature #1410 (Rejected): [Automap] Unified stats display
- Currently jHexen lacks display of stats (Kills, Items,
Secret) in the Automap like in jDoom/jHeretic. In
oppositi... - 19:21 Doomsday Engine Feature #1409 (Closed): [DOOM/HERETIC/HEXEN] Automap - font scaling for Map names
- Display of map names in the Automap of jDoom/jHeretic
is to small, jHexen currently lacks display of map
names (b... - 19:13 Doomsday Engine Bug #329 (Rejected): [Heretic|Hexen] Afrit/Gargoyle death, endless frame loop
- When the Gargoyle(red flying Monster in Heretic)/
Afrit(black fireskined flying Monster in Hexen) falls
to death i... - 18:54 Doomsday Engine Bug #328 (Closed): [HEXEN] Automap doesn't show Map names (and stats)
- The Automap in Hexen doesn't show Map names (and
stats) at all as opposed to jDoom and jHeretic.
(Since the Map ... - 18:49 Doomsday Engine Bug #327 (Closed): [DOOM/HERETIC/HEXEN] 'PRINT' key not bindable
- Binding of the 'PRINT' key doesn't work for all three
ports. Trying to assign it adds the key 'n' instead.
*Labe... - 18:46 Doomsday Engine Bug #326 (Closed): [DOOM] 'Pause' message missaligned, wrong JDUI font
- Pressing 'Pause' in jDoom prints a missaligned message
thus the letter 'P' is overwritten of the remaining
text '...
- 21:49 Doomsday Engine Feature #1407 (Progressed): Customizable console keys
- Recently the behaviour for some of the console keys
where changed (eg. page-up/down). Since not everybody
(includ... - 21:21 Doomsday Engine Bug #323 (Closed): [DOOM/HEXEN/HERETIC] Console command 'warp' without space
- Autocompletion of the console command 'warp' doesn't
add a trailing space anymore, used to work in previous
relea... - 21:11 Doomsday Engine Bug #322 (Closed): [HERETIC] Console command 'where' gives no output
- The console command 'where' doesn't produce any
(visible) output in jHeretic. With Hexen the command
does work, i... - 16:05 Doomsday Engine Feature #1405: Crouch
- Logged In: YES
Original DOOM has no crouch feature (same for Heretic and
Hexen). All available WA...
- 14:22 Doomsday Engine Feature #1404: Stopping time, while allowing camera movement
- Logged In: YES
If you completely stop "time" that would stop particle
generators as well, would'n...
- 14:19 Doomsday Engine Bug #313 (Closed): [HERETIC] Console command 'give a' doesn't give Gauntlets
- The console command 'give a' (give all weaons/items)
doesn't give the Gauntlets. Used to work with previous
versi... - 14:12 Doomsday Engine Bug #306: [HERETIC] Gauntlets unselectable
- Logged In: YES
Gauntlets ARE selectable indeed. But they are not granted
using the '...
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