Revision 963cbd29
Added by skyjake over 17 years ago
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted
- doomsday
- build
- engine
- api
- dd_share.h (diff)
- doomsday.h (diff)
- portable
- include
- src
- b_class.c
- b_command.c
- b_device.c
- b_main.c
- b_util.c
- con_bind.c (diff)
- con_data.c (diff)
- con_main.c (diff)
- dd_input.c (diff)
- dd_loop.c (diff)
- dd_main.c (diff)
- dd_pinit.c (diff)
- edit_bias.c (diff)
- gl_font.c (diff)
- m_args.c (diff)
- m_string.c (diff)
- p_cmd.c (diff)
- p_control.c (diff)
- p_players.c (diff)
- p_ticker.c (diff)
- ui_main.c (diff)
- ui_panel.c (diff)
- unix
- api
- plugins
+ verbosity conflict (global "verbose") -- ArgExists() counts instances
Input Improvements:
+ sys_input: button clickers for mouse and joystick
+ rationalize ddevent_t
+ convenience macros for testing ddevent_t
+ fix console command keys to be more intuitive (IMO) -- to be bound...
New Bindings System:
+ b_command.c: Command bindings (event -> command)
+ b_class.c: Binding classes (contains command and device bindings)
+ match command bindings against events in B_Responder()
+ b_main.c: Bindings: register, init and shutdown
+ b_util.c: Bindings-related utility functions
+ b_device.c: Device bindings and the device state
+ new code for managing player controls, with identifier and name (engine defines some common IDs) and type (impulse or numeric)
+ engine counts how many times each impulse control has been triggered
+ "impulse" console command can be used to trigger impulses
+ p_control.c: Player controls: querying the state from b_device.c (testing with P_PlayerThinkLookAround)
+ some testing of control-device bindings with "turn" (keys, mouse, joystick)
Work continues on the bindings and the player controls...