



From 2013-06-27 to 2013-07-10


21:47 Revision b4a47255 (github): Client: Improved log output
18:27 Revision f67e719b (github): Fixed|libdeng2: Use the correct build number (instead of today's)
Due to use of a missing preprocessor definition, libdeng2's Version
class always ended up using today's build number ...
11:04 Revision 77933e9d (github): Documentation|Readme: Updated features list
Based on the revised Engine page on the dengine web site. skyjake


15:53 Revision 050a426e (github): Fixed|Renderer|Resources: Illegal access of submodel particle offsets
The particle offsets are currently kept in a separate array where the
indices match those of the submodels array. Fix...
15:06 Revision 1d470224 (github): Fixed|Hexen: Crash when morphing a Dark Servant
There was a potential NULL pointer access if a Minotaur was morphed. skyjake
13:59 Revision 4591da79 (github): Fixed|Heretic: Hell Staff rain was coming down at an angle
The correct behavior is for the rain to fall down straight. skyjake
13:51 Revision 73f9183c (github): Heretic: Added a comment about vanilla code
Here be vanilla code, beware. skyjake
13:49 Revision d6746372 (github): Fixed|Heretic: Powered-up Wand Crystal missiles
The behavior of the powered-up Wand Crystal missiles did not conform
to vanilla Heretic behavior, likely due to refac...
13:01 Revision 31ed53f4 (github): Fixed|Hexen: Crash when Dark Servant deals damage
Fixed a problem with damage caused by Dark Servants: if the player
summons the Servant as a pig and then returns to h...
11:14 Revision 246eb078 (github): Cleanup|Client|libgui: Use "has" instead of "have"
Mostly a stylistic choice, although 'has' usually is more
grammatically correct.
11:12 Revision b5a2ded2 (github): Fixed|Renderer: Crash when drawing particles (jXCCP)
Ensure that the active set of generators is known when beginning
rendering of a map.
A crash occurred because the ge...
10:33 Revision 16adb58a (github): Client|TaskBarWidget: Cleanup, observe showFps change notification
Rather than checking every frame whether the FPS counter is visible
or not, now the task bar only observes when the w...
10:32 Revision 9d2b41d9 (github): Refactor|libdeng2|Variable: Improved value change notification
Now the notification is only sent if the value really isn't equal to
the previous one.
09:17 Revision 95e7ac31 (github): Client|ClientWindow: FPS counter as a notification
This commit brings back the FPS counter as a notification widget owned
by ClientWindow. When "Show FPS" is selected i...
09:13 Revision a334512e (github): Client|NotificationWidget: Showing/hiding children, animation
The notification area now provides facilities for showing or hiding
specific widgets in it. The area is automatically...
09:10 Revision 13aada75 (github): Client|GuiWidget: Querying the parent of a widget
Notably there are both QObject::parent() and de::Widget::parent() in
this class.
09:08 Revision d7ffcab9 (github): libgui|PersistentCanvasWindow: Allow derived classes to form variable names
09:07 Revision ebcf62cb (github): Fixed|libdeng2|Animation: Adjusting the target of an animation
Now the method does what it says: change the target without touching
any other parameters. Fixes a problem with Scala...
09:06 Revision 168d4fa5 (github): libdeng2|Widget: Querying the number of children in a widget
08:58 Revision b2e5f243 (github): Documentation|Readme: Updated features, acknowledgments, OS X intro


14:32 Revision 786398b4 (github): Client|UI: Added a notification widget to ClientWindow
14:32 Revision 6017c875 (github): Client: Cleanup
14:31 Revision eaaf07e3 (github): Client|UI: Added a basic implementation of NotificationWidget
This will act as a common notification area.
Also added changeRef() to aid in changing the value of a reference
11:56 Revision 5a5830bd (github): Cleanup
09:16 Revision 303bd202 (github): Fixed|Client: Build failure
08:12 Revision 0e5de3ac (github): Client: Revised bootstrap to utilize persistent load hooks
When an upgrade is detected, there is no guarantee that the user is
loading all the games during that particular sess...
08:08 Revision e27480cd (github): Client|App: Added the script function App.gamePlugin()
The function returns the identifier of the current game plugin,
determined from the file name of the plugin library.


19:49 Revision 632f1d0f (github): Client: Added the bootstrap script; autobind Tilde for opening taskbar
The bootstrap script is run when the client application is launching.
Its job is to take care of any version upgrade ...
19:46 Revision eca7836a (github): Client: Perform the game change notification for scripts
An important example how to delegate a native Observers notification
to a script function array.
19:44 Revision 140c0118 (github): Client: Cleanup
19:44 Revision febf1708 (github): Fixed|Client|InputSystem: Arguments of the Input.bindEvent script binding
19:43 Revision 92d674a9 (github): libdeng2|App|ScriptSystem: Added the native App module
The App module now offers an array called "audienceForGameChange",
where scripts can add functions to be called whene...
19:40 Revision ff59d709 (github): libdeng2|App|Config: Remember the old version when detecting an upgrade
The old version is available as Version.OLD_VERSION.
Also, de::Value now has the as<> template for easy casting.
19:37 Revision 7e4e18ec (github): Refactor|libdeng2|ScriptSystem: Separated module finding from import operation
15:00 Revision 7eb3db1f (github): Client|InputSystem: Added built-in Doomsday Script 'Input' module
The Input module provides access to the input subsystem functionality
in Doomsday Script. For now, the only function ...


22:20 Revision d30d7e23 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
22:20 Revision 7e799b57 (github): Snowberry: Disable texture compression by default
Texture compression causes visible quality loss in textures and also
may cause stuttering during gameplay as textures...
18:52 Revision 4b02e073 (github): Fixed|Resources: Normalize slashes to forward slashes in URIs
Fixes a problem related to model definitions where the backslashes
used in the URIs would not be found because forwar...
17:16 Revision 21bd5d1d (github): Client|UI|ScrollAreaWidget: Reduced page up/down step size to half the visible size
Slightly more comfortable to use than full page jumps. skyjake
17:15 Revision fe529a25 (github): Fixed|Refactor|Resources|Renderer: Removing assumptions about submodel count
In many places the code makes hidden assumptions about the number of
submodels in the defined 3D models. These change...
15:52 Revision 711dae8b (github): Fixed|Client: Crash and mishandling of failed entry allocations
When the entry atlas is so full that an allocation of an entry fragment
fails, LogWidget did not handle the situation...


10:48 Revision d58b108f (github): Client|LogWidget: Observe when entry atlas is full
If the entry atlas becomes full, empty it completely and start over
so that only the visible entries are allocated.
10:47 Revision 199409d0 (github): libgui|Atlas: Added OutOfSpace audience
Notified when allocation of an image fails. skyjake


09:41 Revision 5c0a8416 (github): Fixed|Resources|Renderer: Out-of-bounds access related to submodel flags
Found one more case of out-of-bounds access of an empty submodel array.
Now this is handled more robustly using an ac...
03:22 Revision 2f21ee2d (github): Homepage: Build the master server status summary on client side
Presently implemented by parsing the existing cached XML version of
the log produced by the server. Obviously this is...


21:25 Revision 981251b2 (github): Homepage: Front page built by the client; switched to two column layout
The front page is now produced by the client which stitches together
the content items served up from various RSS/Ato...
18:20 Revision b7e53f56 (github): Client|GuiWidget: Widget's hittable rectangle defined separately
GuiWidget now has a separate RuleRectangle for defining where is the
default hittable region of the widget. By defaul...
13:44 Revision 10c5c35b (github): Client|Console: Added popup menu for the [>] button
The console menu now has a few log-related functions. skyjake


22:33 Revision 132c3b4f (github): Homepage: Transition to HTML5 begins
Switched DOCTYPE and updated footer markup danij
20:22 Revision 247e178d (github): Homepage|FrontController: Cleanup
20:04 Revision e4554d53 (github): Homepage: Collate news content from all feeds into one time line
No need for anything fancy at this stage as this mechanism will be
replaced entirely in the near future.
18:23 Revision 7af3f014 (github): Refactor|Homepage|Feed: Reworked Feed into a "dumb" abstraction layer
The Feed class no longer provides a mechanism for generating HTML
content from the underlying feed.
15:30 Revision 578618c1 (github): Homepage: Removed link to the "Decade of Doomsday" article on the front page
I think its high time this was moved off the homepage... danij
14:45 Revision a6394996 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
14:44 Revision a43162dc (github): Homepage: Minor visual tweak to main menu button rollover
Also updated Dropbox URIs in the stylesheet. danij
14:39 Revision 593db04f (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
14:38 Revision 852406b5 (github): Fixed|Client: Keep task bar open when unloading game
Now the task bar is only automatically dismissed when loading a
non-null game.
14:33 Revision 7fcb10de (github): Homepage: Pull remote resources from the new domain
14:14 Revision a470755e (github): Client|UI: Fade editor hint text in slowly
Now the line edit widget's hint text is faded in gradually after it
loses focus, cleaning the appearance a little whe...
14:12 Revision a8632496 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
14:12 Revision 0baff968 (github): Fixed|libdeng2|RootWidget: Clear focus before calling focusLost()
As the method implies past tense, the root widget should clear the
focus before making the notification.
14:09 Revision c1f7b65f (github): Refactor|Homepage: Moved nativePath() and absolutePath() to
These do not belong in FrontController. danij
13:47 Revision 34212e46 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
13:46 Revision e9511e1b (github): Client|UI: Improved popup and popup menu behavior
When a popup widget is closing/closed, no events will be dispatched
to its children, i.e., the content widget.
The h...
13:44 Revision acfa5936 (github): Client|UI: Reduce game menu's height if task bar visible
It looks messy if the game menu overlaps the task bar. While the game
menu remains centered vertically, its height wi...
13:42 Revision 6d842297 (github): Refactor|Homepage|ContentCache: Renamed various methods of ContentCache
isPresent() => has()
getInfo() => info()
13:20 Revision 103f0a34 (github): Client: Show message box if launch fails
If engine launch fails due to any exception, show a nice message
box with the error message before quitting.
13:20 Revision 212a75bb (github): Refactor|Homepage|FrontController: Added static method FrontController::contentCache()
Provides access to the front controller's ContentCache instance. danij
12:59 Revision a9074f3d (github): Merge branch 'master' of
12:58 Revision 96857f07 (github): Homepage|FrontController: Applied the singleton pattern to FrontController
Also cleaned up the entry point so that the site config is pulled in
automatically when the FrontController singleton...
12:56 Revision 0d0165a6 (github): Snowberry: Use -loglevel instead of the incremental -v option
Added the Trace level as a choice for verbose messages. skyjake
10:17 Revision 8222e4b0 (github): Client|Task Bar: Dismiss when clicking outside the task bar
10:15 Revision d46161ed (github): Client|Task Bar: Hide task bar completely when dismissed
A multiline console command widget would not be completely hidden
when the task bar is closed. Now the opacity of the...
10:14 Revision 98d0a634 (github): Client|Audio: Lowered level of sound sample cache log message
09:24 Revision d5c21450 (github): qmake|Unix|OS X: Build option "deng_debuginfo" for including debug info
This is intended for aiding candidate phase work (release build with
debug info).
09:23 Revision 2b47a720 (github): libdeng2: Added Path slash normalization methods
Added methods for replacing slashes with a specific separator character.
This is now used by NativePath instead of Q...


20:51 Revision 7e7338f5 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
20:49 Revision c0858958 (github): Fixed|Client|LineEditWidget: Assert failed when navigating history rapidly
The editor's history navigation requires line-wrapped content. However, the
wrapping was not being updated until the ...
19:41 Revision a4b417ca (github): Client|UI: Adjusted popup animation
A bit tighter spring. skyjake
19:41 Revision 4e4ed5e9 (github): Fixed|libdeng2: Point-in-rectangle test
The right and bottom edges should be exclusive while the top and left
edges are inclusive.
Fixes a problem with the ...


22:27 Revision 25ae18e2 (github): Fixed|Homepage|Master Server: Minor master server fixes following PHP upgrade
Replaced usage of the now deprecated split(). Server announcements
are now assumed to be UTF8 encoded.
18:39 Revision 67c6026e (github): Fixed|Client|Windows: Spurious shooting when dismissing taskbar with mouse
The mouse is now trapped at the button release event rather than press,
so that DirectInput isn't detecting a mouse d...
10:06 Revision 31731b43 (github): Fixed|Client|UI: Focused command line shouldn't let Tab keys pass through
10:05 Revision e0ba69cc (github): Fixed|Client|OS X: Build failure
10:04 Revision 7dd43f05 (github): Fixed|Hexen: Reading saved polyobjs in release build
One of the saved fields was not being read in the release build.
Also made sure the polyobj X and Y coords are read ...
06:15 Revision 8c9572ba (github): Merge branch 'master' of
06:13 Revision 329b08f5 (github): DED: Parse tokens and strings to de::String buffers
Should also result in a small but noticeable performance improvement
during startup/reset as buffers now grow upward ...


18:08 Revision ac753ce8 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
18:08 Revision c0112db1 (github): Debug: Added "deng_fakememoryzone" build option
Also fixed compilation of libdeng1 with this option. skyjake
11:12 Revision ce0297c1 (github): Fixed|libcommon: Do not log spawn spot info for players in release builds
The savvy deathmatcher can relatively easily determine where his
opponents are at the start of the match given spots ...


19:56 Revision 80e3129b (github): Fixed|Deh Reader: Always update sprite name and action LUTs before parsing patches
Hacx now works as expected when loaded from the Ring Zero GUI. danij
16:42 Revision d7488b7b (github): Fixed previous commit
IS_NETGAME must be tested also because singleplayer is currently a
special case.
15:45 Revision dbddf6b7 (github): Fixed|Heretic: Ambient sound stuttering in multiplayer
Both client and server attempted to play the ambient sounds which
resulted in stuttering on client-side when the star...
10:42 Revision 838efd13 (github): Debug: Throw an exception if the map edit API is used before MPE_Begin()
Plus some minor cleanup. danij
09:19 Revision ea6668fc (github): Debug|ClientWindow: Moved mode change messages to DEBUG level
Regular users won't care when the mode change actually occurs. danij
07:28 Revision bd0d0469 (github): World: Map conversion reporter now available during format conversion
Also deferred the conversion report log output until after the map
is made current, so that the map author is more li...

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