Bug #474
Thing Archive Exhausted/Segmentation Violation
I downloaded Doomsday a couple of weeks ago and despite its complexity and technobabble have found its special graphics effects to be the best of any other Doom port. However I've had various issues with it. Often when I save a game it crashes with an error message that says, 'Thing Archive Exhausted.' When I try to reload the save game it crashes with a Segmentation Violation error. I've had various other error messages, some related to the Segmentation Violation issue but as I am away from my own computer I cannot replicate the problem in particular. I also get a 'sidedef packaging' error with Final Doom and some user levels, but I hear this is to be sorted out with the next release. Unfortunately I cannot use this version any longer due to reliability issues and I would very much like to see a fixed version released soon as this port breathes new life into a old game.
Updated by yagisan over 17 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
1 issue per bug report please. sidedef packing is supported in svn will be in 1.9.0beta6. Thing Archive
Exhausted should already be corrected in svn and will also be in 1.9.0beta6. (Playing Eternal ? that triggers Thing Archive
Exhausted the most often - the normal iwads and most other megawads should not)