


  • Registered on: 2017-10-07
  • Last connection: 2019-03-24




22:24 Doomsday Engine Bug #2324 (New): Sky texture issue upon MOD loading/unloading in game
How to reproduce:
1. Start Doom on any map other than Episode 1 (e.g. E2M1)
2. Open the MOD browser
3. Load or u...


06:36 Doomsday Engine Bug #2310: [UI] Metadata text wrapping: should force-break very long words in Package Info popup
Update: URLs (i.e. strings containing forward slashes "/") doesn't seem to be affected by this issue, they get proper...


15:26 Doomsday Engine Bug #2310 (New): [UI] Metadata text wrapping: should force-break very long words in Package Info popup
If a character string delimited by spaces exceeds the maximum line length of 33 characters, Doomsday shifts down the ...


16:13 Doomsday Engine Bug #2308 (New): [UI] Package tags need to wrap to multiple lines
Addons/mods containing a larger set of descriptive tags, i.e. exceeding the usual amount of 3 to 4 tags, will have th...


18:18 Doomsday Engine Bug #2303: Plutonia 2: Incorrect music; "unknown" map author (with embedded DEHACKED lump)
xe_sued wrote:
> @skyjake
> Confirmed, the music definition for the PL2 title and Map04 is correct. Find attach...


21:13 Doomsday Engine Bug #2301 (New): Restart playing MIDI music using new soundfont after changing soundfont in Settings
*Windows 10 Pro x64 build 1803, Doomsday x64 for Windows unstable build 2897:*
I had to re-setup my external MIDI ...


17:19 Doomsday Engine Bug #2264 (Closed): Crosshair thickness cannot be changed
Thickness of the crosshair cannot be changed. Unsuccessfully tried both the menu option and console command "view-cro...

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