Revision e8d77b3d
Added by skyjake over 5 years ago
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted
- doomsday
- apps
- CMakeLists.txt (diff)
- libdoomsday
- CMakeLists.txt
- api.doxy
- include
- doomsday
- AbstractSession
- BspNode
- DataBundle
- DoomsdayApp
- EntityDatabase
- Game
- GameProfiles
- GameStateFolder
- Games
- LumpCatalog
- LumpDirectory
- MapManifest
- SaveGames
- TextureManifest
- TextureScheme
- UriValue
- abstractsession.h
- busymode.h
- console
- alias.h
- cmd.h
- exec.h
- knownword.h
- var.h
- defs
- decoration.h
- ded.h
- dedarray.h
- dedfile.h
- dedparser.h
- dedregister.h
- dedtypes.h
- definition.h
- episode.h
- finale.h
- mapgraphnode.h
- mapinfo.h
- material.h
- model.h
- music.h
- sky.h
- sprite.h
- state.h
- thing.h
- doomsdayapp.h
- dualstring.h
- filesys
- datafile.h
- datafolder.h
- file.h
- filehandle.h
- fileid.h
- fileinfo.h
- filetype.h
- fs_main.h
- fs_util.h
- fs_windows.h
- idgameslink.h
- idgamespackageinfofile.h
- lumpcache.h
- lumpindex.h
- readfile.h
- searchpath.h
- virtualmappings.h
- wad.h
- zip.h
- game.h
- gameapi.h
- gameprofiles.h
- games.h
- gamestatefolder.h
- help.h
- libdoomsday.h
- library.h
- network
- pinger.h
- player.h
- players.h
- plugins.h
- res
- AnimGroups
- Bundles
- ColorPalettes
- Composite
- DoomsdayPackage
- IdTech1Image
- MapManifests
- Patch
- PatchName
- Sprites
- Texture
- TextureManifest
- TextureScheme
- Textures
- doomsdaypackage.h
- resource
- animgroup.h
- animgroups.h
- bundlelinkfeed.h
- bundles.h
- colorpalette.h
- colorpalettes.h
- composite.h
- databundle.h
- idtech1flatlib.h
- idtech1image.h
- idtech1texturelib.cpp
- idtech1texturelib.h
- idtech1util.h
- lumpcatalog.h
- lumpdirectory.h
- m_decomp64.h
- manifest.h
- mapmanifest.h
- mapmanifests.h
- patch.h
- patchname.h
- pcx.h
- resourceclass.h
- resources.h
- sprites.h
- texture.h
- texturemanifest.h
- textures.h
- texturescheme.h
- tga.h
- wav.h
- savegames.h
- uri.h
- urivalue.h
- world
- MapElement
- Material
- MaterialArchive
- MaterialManifest
- MaterialScheme
- Materials
- actions.h
- bspnode.h
- detailtexturemateriallayer.h
- dmuargs.h
- entitydatabase.h
- entitydef.h
- ithinkermapping.h
- map.h
- mapelement.h
- material.h
- materialarchive.h
- materialmanifest.h
- materials.h
- materialscheme.h
- mobj.h
- mobjthinkerdata.h
- propertyvalue.h
- shinetexturemateriallayer.h
- texturemateriallayer.h
- thinker.h
- thinkerdata.h
- valuetype.h
- world.h
- xg.h
- xgclass.h
- doomsday
- net.dengine.base.pack
- src
- abstractsession.cpp
- busymode.cpp
- c_wrapper
- library.cpp
- console
- alias.cpp
- cmd.cpp
- exec.cpp
- knownword.cpp
- var.cpp
- defs
- decoration.cpp
- ded.cpp
- dedfile.cpp
- dedparser.cpp
- dedregister.cpp
- definition.cpp
- episode.cpp
- finale.cpp
- mapgraphnode.cpp
- mapinfo.cpp
- material.cpp
- model.cpp
- music.cpp
- sky.cpp
- sprite.cpp
- state.cpp
- thing.cpp
- doomsdayapp.cpp
- doomsdayapp_bindings.cpp
- dualstring.cpp
- filesys
- datafile.cpp
- datafolder.cpp
- file.cpp
- filehandle.cpp
- fileid.cpp
- filetype.cpp
- fs_main.cpp
- fs_scheme.cpp
- fs_util.cpp
- fs_windows.cpp
- idgameslink.cpp
- idgamespackageinfofile.cpp
- lumpcache.cpp
- lumpindex.cpp
- readfile.cpp
- searchpath.cpp
- virtualmappings.cpp
- wad.cpp
- zip.cpp
- game.cpp
- game_init.cpp
- gameprofiles.cpp
- games.cpp
- gamestatefolder.cpp
- help.cpp
- player.cpp
- players.cpp
- plugins.cpp
- resource
- animgroup.cpp
- animgroups.cpp
- bundlelinkfeed.cpp
- bundles.cpp
- colorpalette.cpp
- colorpalettes.cpp
- composite.cpp
- databundle.cpp
- doomsdaypackage.cpp
- idtech1flatlib.cpp
- idtech1image.cpp
- idtech1util.cpp
- lumpcatalog.cpp
- lumpdirectory.cpp
- m_decomp64.cpp
- manifest.cpp
- mapmanifest.cpp
- mapmanifests.cpp
- patch.cpp
- patchname.cpp
- pcx.cpp
- resourceclass.cpp
- resources.cpp
- sprites.cpp
- texture.cpp
- texturemanifest.cpp
- textures.cpp
- texturescheme.cpp
- tga.cpp
- wav.cpp
- savegames.cpp
- uri.cpp
- urivalue.cpp
- world
- actions.cpp
- bspnode.cpp
- detailtexturemateriallayer.cpp
- dmuargs.cpp
- entitydatabase.cpp
- entitydef.cpp
- map.cpp
- mapelement.cpp
- material.cpp
- materialarchive.cpp
- materialmanifest.cpp
- materials.cpp
- materialscheme.cpp
- mobjthinkerdata.cpp
- propertyvalue.cpp
- shinetexturemateriallayer.cpp
- texturemateriallayer.cpp
- thinker.cpp
- thinkerdata.cpp
- world.cpp
- xg.cpp
- plugins
- libs
- CMakeLists.txt (diff)
- core
- doomsday
- CMakeLists.txt
- api.doxy
- include
- doomsday
- AbstractSession
- BspNode
- DataBundle
- DoomsdayApp
- EntityDatabase
- Game
- GameProfiles
- GameStateFolder
- Games
- LumpCatalog
- LumpDirectory
- MapManifest
- SaveGames
- TextureManifest
- TextureScheme
- UriValue
- abstractsession.h
- busymode.h
- console
- defs
- doomsdayapp.h
- dualstring.h
- filesys
- game.h
- gameapi.h
- gameprofiles.h
- games.h
- gamestatefolder.h
- help.h
- libdoomsday.h
- library.h
- network
- player.h
- players.h
- plugins.h
- res
- resource
- animgroup.h
- animgroups.h
- bundlelinkfeed.h
- bundles.h
- colorpalette.h
- colorpalettes.h
- composite.h
- databundle.h
- idtech1flatlib.h
- idtech1image.h
- idtech1texturelib.cpp
- idtech1texturelib.h
- idtech1util.h
- lumpcatalog.h
- lumpdirectory.h
- m_decomp64.h
- manifest.h
- mapmanifest.h
- mapmanifests.h
- patch.h
- patchname.h
- pcx.h
- resourceclass.h
- resources.h
- sprites.h
- texture.h
- texturemanifest.h
- textures.h
- texturescheme.h
- tga.h
- wav.h
- savegames.h
- uri.h
- urivalue.h
- world
- MapElement
- Material
- MaterialArchive
- MaterialManifest
- MaterialScheme
- Materials
- actions.h
- bspnode.h
- detailtexturemateriallayer.h
- dmuargs.h
- entitydatabase.h
- entitydef.h
- ithinkermapping.h
- map.h
- mapelement.h
- material.h
- materialarchive.h
- materialmanifest.h
- materials.h
- materialscheme.h
- mobj.h
- mobjthinkerdata.h
- propertyvalue.h
- shinetexturemateriallayer.h
- texturemateriallayer.h
- thinker.h
- thinkerdata.h
- valuetype.h
- world.h
- xg.h
- xgclass.h
- doomsday
- net.dengine.base.pack
- src
- abstractsession.cpp
- busymode.cpp
- c_wrapper
- console
- defs
- doomsdayapp.cpp
- doomsdayapp_bindings.cpp
- dualstring.cpp
- filesys
- game.cpp
- game_init.cpp
- gameprofiles.cpp
- games.cpp
- gamestatefolder.cpp
- help.cpp
- player.cpp
- players.cpp
- plugins.cpp
- resource
- animgroup.cpp
- animgroups.cpp
- bundlelinkfeed.cpp
- bundles.cpp
- colorpalette.cpp
- colorpalettes.cpp
- composite.cpp
- databundle.cpp
- doomsdaypackage.cpp
- idtech1flatlib.cpp
- idtech1image.cpp
- idtech1util.cpp
- lumpcatalog.cpp
- lumpdirectory.cpp
- m_decomp64.cpp
- manifest.cpp
- mapmanifest.cpp
- mapmanifests.cpp
- patch.cpp
- patchname.cpp
- pcx.cpp
- resourceclass.cpp
- resources.cpp
- sprites.cpp
- texture.cpp
- texturemanifest.cpp
- textures.cpp
- texturescheme.cpp
- tga.cpp
- wav.cpp
- savegames.cpp
- uri.cpp
- urivalue.cpp
- world
- actions.cpp
- bspnode.cpp
- detailtexturemateriallayer.cpp
- dmuargs.cpp
- entitydatabase.cpp
- entitydef.cpp
- map.cpp
- mapelement.cpp
- material.cpp
- materialarchive.cpp
- materialmanifest.cpp
- materials.cpp
- materialscheme.cpp
- mobjthinkerdata.cpp
- propertyvalue.cpp
- shinetexturemateriallayer.cpp
- texturemateriallayer.cpp
- thinker.cpp
- thinkerdata.cpp
- world.cpp
- xg.cpp
- gamefw
- gui
- apps
SDK: Moved libdoomsday and libgamefw to the libs directory