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Revision e39d97e0

Added by danij almost 16 years ago

Fixed jHeretic/jHexen: "Heretic/HeXen: MF_Ripper Blood".
Changed jHeretic/jHexen: Gave MT_BLOOD the MF_SOLID flag. The original Heretic/Hexen collision detection logic did not allow for non-solid mobjs to pass through solid ones. This meant that invariably, blood spawned by ripper missiles would collide with the mobj they were spawned from and stop moving. Now that non-solid mobjs can move through solid ones, the blood would no longer collide, thus it would continue moving until it either hit some solid object or lost all momentum. By giving MT_BLOOD the MF_SOLID flag the original behaviour is restored (note this does not mean other mobjs can now collide with the blood as the blood is not added to the blockmap).


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