Revision 9d0a47c7
Added by skyjake over 15 years ago
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted
- doomsday
- CMakeLists.txt (diff)
- CMakeLists.txt.old
- build
- client
- engine
- api
- dd_api.h
- dd_gl.h
- dd_maptypes.h
- dd_plugin.h
- dd_share.h
- dd_types.h
- doomsday.def
- doomsday.h
- sys_audiod.h
- sys_audiod_mus.h
- sys_audiod_sfx.h
- data
- cphelp.txt
- fonts
- console11.dfn
- console14.dfn
- console18.dfn
- fixed.dfn
- normal12.dfn
- normal18.dfn
- normal24.dfn
- normalbold12.dfn
- normalbold18.dfn
- normalbold24.dfn
- normallight12.dfn
- normallight18.dfn
- normallight24.dfn
- readme.txt
- graphics
- background.pcx
- bbox.pcx
- bigflare.pcx
- boxcorner.png
- boxfill.png
- boxshade.png
- brflare.pcx
- dlight.pcx
- flare.pcx
- gray.png
- hint.png
- loading1.png
- loading2.png
- logo.png
- missing.png
- mouse.png
- radiocc.pcx
- radioco.pcx
- radiooe.pcx
- radiooo.pcx
- unknown.png
- wallglow.pcx
- zeroth.pcx
- keymaps
- de.dkm
- default.dkm
- fi.dkm
- defs
- doomsday.ded
- flags.ded
- xg.ded
- doc
- ame
- beginner.ame
- cmdline.ame
- darktable.ame
- dedref.ame
- infine.ame
- jake.ah
- make.bat
- readme.ame
- version2.ame
- banner.txt
- changelog.txt
- cnsname.txt
- cvars.txt
- deddoc.txt
- dhistory.txt
- doomsday.6
- dss.txt
- manpage.xml
- naming.txt
- network.txt
- mac
- include
- DoomsdayRunner.h
- SDLMain.h
- StartupWindowController.h
- res
- English.lproj
- InfoPlist.strings
- Startup.nib
- classes.nib
- info.nib
- keyedobjects.nib
- deng.icns
- English.lproj
- src
- DoomsdayRunner.m
- SDLMain.m
- StartupWindowController.m
- qt.c
- include
- portable
- include
- b_command.h
- b_context.h
- b_device.h
- b_main.h
- b_util.h
- bsp_edge.h
- bsp_intersection.h
- bsp_main.h
- bsp_map.h
- bsp_node.h
- bsp_superblock.h
- cl_def.h
- cl_frame.h
- cl_mobj.h
- cl_player.h
- cl_sound.h
- cl_world.h
- con_bar.h
- con_bind.h
- con_buffer.h
- con_busy.h
- con_config.h
- con_decl.h
- con_main.h
- dam_blockmap.h
- dam_file.h
- dam_main.h
- dd_def.h
- dd_help.h
- dd_input.h
- dd_loop.h
- dd_main.h
- dd_pinit.h
- dd_version.h
- dd_wad.h
- dd_zip.h
- dd_zone.h
- de_audio.h
- de_base.h
- de_bsp.h
- de_console.h
- de_dam.h
- de_defs.h
- de_edit.h
- de_graphics.h
- de_misc.h
- de_network.h
- de_platform.h
- de_play.h
- de_refresh.h
- de_render.h
- de_system.h
- de_ui.h
- def_data.h
- def_main.h
- def_share.h
- edit_bias.h
- edit_map.h
- gl_defer.h
- gl_draw.h
- gl_font.h
- gl_hq2x.h
- gl_main.h
- gl_model.h
- gl_pcx.h
- gl_png.h
- gl_tex.h
- gl_texmanager.h
- gl_tga.h
- m_args.h
- m_bams.h
- m_binarytree.h
- m_decomp64.h
- m_filehash.h
- m_gridmap.h
- m_huffman.h
- m_linkedlist.h
- m_md5.h
- m_misc.h
- m_mus2midi.h
- m_nodepile.h
- m_profiler.h
- m_stack.h
- m_string.h
- m_vector.h
- mapdata.hs
- net_buf.h
- net_demo.h
- net_event.h
- net_main.h
- net_msg.h
- p_bmap.h
- p_cmd.h
- p_control.h
- p_dmu.h
- p_intercept.h
- p_linedef.h
- p_mapdata.h
- p_maptypes.h
- p_maputil.h
- p_material.h
- p_materialmanager.h
- p_object.h
- p_objlink.h
- p_particle.h
- p_plane.h
- p_players.h
- p_polyob.h
- p_polyobj.h
- p_sector.h
- p_seg.h
- p_sidedef.h
- p_sight.h
- p_subsector.h
- p_surface.h
- p_think.h
- p_ticker.h
- p_vertex.h
- r_data.h
- r_draw.h
- r_extres.h
- r_lgrid.h
- r_lumobjs.h
- r_main.h
- r_model.h
- r_shadow.h
- r_sky.h
- r_things.h
- r_util.h
- r_world.h
- rend_bias.h
- rend_clip.h
- rend_console.h
- rend_decor.h
- rend_dyn.h
- rend_fakeradio.h
- rend_halo.h
- rend_list.h
- rend_main.h
- rend_model.h
- rend_particle.h
- rend_shadow.h
- rend_sky.h
- rend_sprite.h
- s_cache.h
- s_environ.h
- s_logic.h
- s_main.h
- s_mus.h
- s_sfx.h
- s_wav.h
- sv_def.h
- sv_frame.h
- sv_missile.h
- sv_pool.h
- sv_sound.h
- sys_audio.h
- sys_audiod_dummy.h
- sys_audiod_loader.h
- sys_audiod_sdlmixer.h
- sys_console.h
- sys_direc.h
- sys_file.h
- sys_findfile.h
- sys_input.h
- sys_master.h
- sys_mixer.h
- sys_network.h
- sys_opengl.h
- sys_sock.h
- sys_system.h
- sys_timer.h
- sys_window.h
- tab_anorms.h
- template.h.template
- ui_main.h
- ui_mpi.h
- ui_panel.h
- src
- b_command.c
- b_context.c
- b_device.c
- b_main.c
- b_util.c
- bsp_edge.c
- bsp_intersection.c
- bsp_main.c
- bsp_map.c
- bsp_node.c
- bsp_superblock.c
- cl_frame.c
- cl_main.c
- cl_mobj.c
- cl_oldframe.c
- cl_oldworld.c
- cl_player.c
- cl_sound.c
- cl_world.c
- con_bar.c
- con_buffer.c
- con_busy.c
- con_config.c
- con_data.c
- con_main.c
- dam_blockmap.c
- dam_file.c
- dam_main.c
- dd_help.c
- dd_input.c
- dd_loop.c
- dd_main.c
- dd_pinit.c
- dd_plugin.c
- dd_wad.c
- dd_zip.c
- dd_zone.c
- def_data.c
- def_main.c
- def_read.c
- dgl_common.c
- dgl_draw.c
- dgl_texture.c
- edit_bias.c
- edit_map.c
- gl_defer.c
- gl_draw.c
- gl_font.c
- gl_hq2x.c
- gl_main.c
- gl_pcx.c
- gl_png.c
- gl_tex.c
- gl_texmanager.c
- gl_tga.c
- m_args.c
- m_bams.c
- m_binarytree.c
- m_decomp64.c
- m_filehash.c
- m_gridmap.c
- m_huffman.c
- m_linkedlist.c
- m_md5.c
- m_misc.c
- m_mus2midi.c
- m_nodepile.c
- m_stack.c
- m_string.c
- m_vector.c
- net_buf.c
- net_demo.c
- net_event.c
- net_main.c
- net_msg.c
- net_ping.c
- p_bmap.c
- p_cmd.c
- p_control.c
- p_data.c
- p_dmu.c
- p_intercept.c
- p_linedef.c
- p_maputil.c
- p_material.c
- p_materialmanager.c
- p_mobj.c
- p_objlink.c
- p_particle.c
- p_plane.c
- p_players.c
- p_polyob.c
- p_sector.c
- p_seg.c
- p_sidedef.c
- p_sight.c
- p_subsector.c
- p_surface.c
- p_think.c
- p_ticker.c
- p_vertex.c
- r_data.c
- r_draw.c
- r_extres.c
- r_lgrid.c
- r_lumobjs.c
- r_main.c
- r_model.c
- r_shadow.c
- r_sky.c
- r_things.c
- r_util.c
- r_world.c
- rend_bias.c
- rend_clip.c
- rend_console.c
- rend_decor.c
- rend_dyn.c
- rend_fakeradio.c
- rend_halo.c
- rend_list.c
- rend_main.c
- rend_model.c
- rend_particle.c
- rend_shadow.c
- rend_sky.c
- rend_sprite.c
- s_cache.c
- s_environ.c
- s_logic.c
- s_main.c
- s_mus.c
- s_sfx.c
- s_wav.c
- sv_frame.c
- sv_main.c
- sv_missile.c
- sv_pool.c
- sv_sound.c
- sys_audiod_dummy.c
- sys_audiod_sdlmixer.c
- sys_direc.c
- sys_filein.c
- sys_master.c
- sys_network.c
- sys_opengl.c
- sys_sdl_window.c
- sys_sock.c
- sys_system.c
- sys_timer.c
- tab_tables.c
- template.c.template
- ui_main.c
- ui_mpi.c
- ui_panel.c
- include
- scripts
- unix
- win32
- api
- external
- libdeng
- CMakeLists.txt
- api
- data
- defs
- doc
- mac
- portable
- include
- b_command.h
- b_context.h
- b_device.h
- b_main.h
- b_util.h
- bsp_edge.h
- bsp_intersection.h
- bsp_main.h
- bsp_map.h
- bsp_node.h
- bsp_superblock.h
- cl_def.h
- cl_frame.h
- cl_mobj.h
- cl_player.h
- cl_sound.h
- cl_world.h
- con_bar.h
- con_bind.h
- con_buffer.h
- con_busy.h
- con_config.h
- con_decl.h
- con_main.h
- dam_blockmap.h
- dam_file.h
- dam_main.h
- dd_def.h
- dd_help.h
- dd_input.h
- dd_loop.h
- dd_main.h
- dd_pinit.h
- dd_version.h
- dd_wad.h
- dd_zip.h
- dd_zone.h
- de_audio.h
- de_base.h
- de_bsp.h
- de_console.h
- de_dam.h
- de_defs.h
- de_edit.h
- de_graphics.h
- de_misc.h
- de_network.h
- de_platform.h
- de_play.h
- de_refresh.h
- de_render.h
- de_system.h
- de_ui.h
- def_data.h
- def_main.h
- def_share.h
- edit_bias.h
- edit_map.h
- gl_defer.h
- gl_draw.h
- gl_font.h
- gl_hq2x.h
- gl_main.h
- gl_model.h
- gl_pcx.h
- gl_png.h
- gl_tex.h
- gl_texmanager.h
- gl_tga.h
- m_args.h
- m_bams.h
- m_binarytree.h
- m_decomp64.h
- m_filehash.h
- m_gridmap.h
- m_huffman.h
- m_linkedlist.h
- m_md5.h
- m_misc.h
- m_mus2midi.h
- m_nodepile.h
- m_profiler.h
- m_stack.h
- m_string.h
- m_vector.h
- mapdata.hs
- net_buf.h
- net_demo.h
- net_event.h
- net_main.h
- net_msg.h
- p_bmap.h
- p_cmd.h
- p_control.h
- p_dmu.h
- p_intercept.h
- p_linedef.h
- p_mapdata.h
- p_maptypes.h
- p_maputil.h
- p_material.h
- p_materialmanager.h
- p_object.h
- p_objlink.h
- p_particle.h
- p_plane.h
- p_players.h
- p_polyob.h
- p_polyobj.h
- p_sector.h
- p_seg.h
- p_sidedef.h
- p_sight.h
- p_subsector.h
- p_surface.h
- p_think.h
- p_ticker.h
- p_vertex.h
- r_data.h
- r_draw.h
- r_extres.h
- r_lgrid.h
- r_lumobjs.h
- r_main.h
- r_model.h
- r_shadow.h
- r_sky.h
- r_things.h
- r_util.h
- r_world.h
- rend_bias.h
- rend_clip.h
- rend_console.h
- rend_decor.h
- rend_dyn.h
- rend_fakeradio.h
- rend_halo.h
- rend_list.h
- rend_main.h
- rend_model.h
- rend_particle.h
- rend_shadow.h
- rend_sky.h
- rend_sprite.h
- s_cache.h
- s_environ.h
- s_logic.h
- s_main.h
- s_mus.h
- s_sfx.h
- s_wav.h
- sv_def.h
- sv_frame.h
- sv_missile.h
- sv_pool.h
- sv_sound.h
- sys_audio.h
- sys_audiod_dummy.h
- sys_audiod_loader.h
- sys_audiod_sdlmixer.h
- sys_console.h
- sys_direc.h
- sys_file.h
- sys_findfile.h
- sys_input.h
- sys_master.h
- sys_mixer.h
- sys_network.h
- sys_opengl.h
- sys_sock.h
- sys_system.h
- sys_timer.h
- sys_window.h
- tab_anorms.h
- template.h.template
- ui_main.h
- ui_mpi.h
- ui_panel.h
- src
- b_command.c
- b_context.c
- b_device.c
- b_main.c
- b_util.c
- bsp_edge.c
- bsp_intersection.c
- bsp_main.c
- bsp_map.c
- bsp_node.c
- bsp_superblock.c
- cl_frame.c
- cl_main.c
- cl_mobj.c
- cl_oldframe.c
- cl_oldworld.c
- cl_player.c
- cl_sound.c
- cl_world.c
- con_bar.c
- con_buffer.c
- con_busy.c
- con_config.c
- con_data.c
- con_main.c
- dam_blockmap.c
- dam_file.c
- dam_main.c
- dd_help.c
- dd_input.c
- dd_loop.c
- dd_main.c
- dd_pinit.c
- dd_plugin.c
- dd_wad.c
- dd_zip.c
- dd_zone.c
- def_data.c
- def_main.c
- def_read.c
- dgl_common.c
- dgl_draw.c
- dgl_texture.c
- edit_bias.c
- edit_map.c
- gl_defer.c
- gl_draw.c
- gl_font.c
- gl_hq2x.c
- gl_main.c
- gl_pcx.c
- gl_png.c
- gl_tex.c
- gl_texmanager.c
- gl_tga.c
- m_bams.c
- m_binarytree.c
- m_decomp64.c
- m_filehash.c
- m_fixed.c
- m_gridmap.c
- m_huffman.c
- m_linkedlist.c
- m_md5.c
- m_misc.c
- m_mus2midi.c
- m_nodepile.c
- m_stack.c
- m_string.c
- m_vector.c
- net_buf.c
- net_demo.c
- net_event.c
- net_main.c
- net_msg.c
- net_ping.c
- p_bmap.c
- p_cmd.c
- p_control.c
- p_data.c
- p_dmu.c
- p_intercept.c
- p_linedef.c
- p_maputil.c
- p_material.c
- p_materialmanager.c
- p_mobj.c
- p_objlink.c
- p_particle.c
- p_plane.c
- p_players.c
- p_polyob.c
- p_sector.c
- p_seg.c
- p_sidedef.c
- p_sight.c
- p_subsector.c
- p_surface.c
- p_think.c
- p_ticker.c
- p_vertex.c
- r_data.c
- r_draw.c
- r_extres.c
- r_lgrid.c
- r_lumobjs.c
- r_main.c
- r_model.c
- r_shadow.c
- r_sky.c
- r_things.c
- r_util.c
- r_world.c
- rend_bias.c
- rend_clip.c
- rend_console.c
- rend_decor.c
- rend_dyn.c
- rend_fakeradio.c
- rend_halo.c
- rend_list.c
- rend_main.c
- rend_model.c
- rend_particle.c
- rend_shadow.c
- rend_sky.c
- rend_sprite.c
- s_cache.c
- s_environ.c
- s_logic.c
- s_main.c
- s_mus.c
- s_sfx.c
- s_wav.c
- sv_frame.c
- sv_main.c
- sv_missile.c
- sv_pool.c
- sv_sound.c
- sys_audiod_dummy.c
- sys_audiod_sdlmixer.c
- sys_direc.c
- sys_filein.c
- sys_master.c
- sys_network.c
- sys_opengl.c
- sys_sock.c
- sys_system.c
- sys_timer.c
- tab_tables.c
- template.c.template
- ui_main.c
- ui_mpi.c
- ui_panel.c
- include
- scripts
- unix
- win32
- libdeng2
- plugins
Merged new-order-phase1 back to the trunk.