Revision 82872ea1
Added by danij over 15 years ago
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted
- doomsday
- engine
- api
- portable
- include
- src
- cl_player.c (diff)
- dd_main.c (diff)
- edit_bias.c (diff)
- m_misc.c (diff)
- net_demo.c (diff)
- p_mobj.c (diff)
- r_lumobjs.c (diff)
- r_main.c (diff)
- r_things.c (diff)
- r_util.c (diff)
- rend_fakeradio.c (diff)
- rend_halo.c (diff)
- rend_main.c (diff)
- rend_particle.c (diff)
- rend_sprite.c (diff)
- plugins
- common
- jdoom
- jdoom64
- jheretic
- jhexen
- engine
Fixed (All Games): Upon spawning into the map the player's viewheight would be set at zero resulting.
Fixed (Engine/All Games): When the player teleports the current view was not instantly updated due to smoothing, resulting in the player momentarily looking in the wrong direction.
Changed (All Games): When starting a new map there is nolonger a momentary wait where the game is running but the player's view is not drawn.
Fixed (DOOM): When starting a new map if the statusbar is visible the counters would be momentarily hidden.