Revision 7336150a
Added by skyjake over 5 years ago
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted
- doomsday
- apps
- CMakeLists.txt (diff)
- gloom
- .vscode
- CMakeLists.txt
- gloom
- audio
- geo
- gloomwidget.cpp
- gloomwidget.h
- gloomworld.cpp
- gloomworld.h
- identity.h
- render
- bloom.cpp
- bloom.h
- context.cpp
- context.h
- databuffer.h
- defs.h
- entityrender.cpp
- entityrender.h
- gbuffer.cpp
- gbuffer.h
- icamera.h
- light.cpp
- light.h
- lightrender.cpp
- lightrender.h
- mapbuild.cpp
- mapbuild.h
- maprender.cpp
- maprender.h
- materiallib.cpp
- materiallib.h
- render.cpp
- render.h
- screenquad.cpp
- screenquad.h
- shadow.cpp
- shadow.h
- skybox.cpp
- skybox.h
- ssao.cpp
- ssao.h
- tonemap.cpp
- tonemap.h
- view.cpp
- view.h
- world
- net.dengine.gloom.pack
- Info
- audio
- audio.dei
- defaultstyle.pack
- images
- images.dei
- models
- modules
- shaders
- app
- bloom_blur_partial.fsh
- common
- debug.fsh
- entity_material.fsh
- entity_material.vsh
- entity_shadow_dir.fsh
- entity_shadow_dir.vsh
- entity_shadow_omni.fsh
- entity_shadow_omni.vsh
- gloom.dei
- light_global.fsh
- light_global.vsh
- light_sources.fsh
- light_sources.vsh
- sky.fsh
- sky.vsh
- ssao.vsh
- ssao_denoise.fsh
- ssao_sample.fsh
- surface_material.fsh
- surface_material.vsh
- surface_shadow_dir.fsh
- surface_shadow_dir.vsh
- surface_shadow_omni.fsh
- surface_shadow_omni.gsh
- surface_shadow_omni.vsh
- surface_transparent.fsh
- tonemap_exposure.fsh
- tonemap_sample.fsh
- shaders.dei
- src
- tests
- test_gloom
- CMakeLists.txt
- gloom
- audio
- audiosystem.cpp
- audiosystem.h
- geo
- geomath.cpp
- geomath.h
- polygon.cpp
- polygon.h
- gloomwidget.cpp
- gloomwidget.h
- gloomworld.cpp
- gloomworld.h
- identity.h
- render
- bloom.cpp
- bloom.h
- context.cpp
- context.h
- databuffer.h
- defs.h
- entityrender.cpp
- entityrender.h
- gbuffer.cpp
- gbuffer.h
- icamera.h
- light.cpp
- light.h
- lightrender.cpp
- lightrender.h
- mapbuild.cpp
- mapbuild.h
- maprender.cpp
- maprender.h
- materiallib.cpp
- materiallib.h
- render.cpp
- render.h
- screenquad.cpp
- screenquad.h
- shadow.cpp
- shadow.h
- skybox.cpp
- skybox.h
- ssao.cpp
- ssao.h
- tonemap.cpp
- tonemap.h
- view.cpp
- view.h
- world
- entity.cpp
- entity.h
- entitymap.cpp
- entitymap.h
- environment.cpp
- environment.h
- map.cpp
- map.h
- user.cpp
- user.h
- world.cpp
- world.h
- audio
- net.dengine.gloom.pack
- Info
- audio
- audio.dei
- defaultstyle.pack
- Info
- colors.dei
- fonts
- Apache License.txt
- OpenSans-Bold.ttf
- OpenSans-BoldItalic.ttf
- OpenSans-Italic.ttf
- OpenSans-Light.ttf
- OpenSans-LightItalic.ttf
- OpenSans-Regular.ttf
- fonts.dei
- graphics
- borderglow.png
- fold.png
- mouse.png
- progress-gear.png
- progress-mini.png
- progress-wheel.png
- toggle-onoff.png
- toggle-onoff@2x.png
- images.dei
- rules.dei
- images
- deng-logo-256.png
- heights.png
- heights2.png
- mat-dirt.jpg
- mat-grass.jpg
- mat-stone.png
- mat-test.png
- mat-test2.png
- rustediron-streaks_basecolor.png
- rustediron-streaks_metallic.png
- rustediron-streaks_normal.png
- rustediron-streaks_roughness.png
- sky-day.jpg
- sky-evening.jpg
- sky-morning.jpg
- softnoise.png
- images.dei
- models
- modules
- appconfig.ds
- bootstrap.ds
- shaders
- app
- app.dei
- fx_blur.dei
- generic.dei
- hsv.glsl
- ui.dei
- bloom_blur_partial.fsh
- common
- ambient.glsl
- bones.glsl
- camera.glsl
- cube_faces_uv.gsh
- databuffer.glsl
- defs.glsl
- dir_lights.glsl
- fog.glsl
- gbuffer.glsl
- gbuffer_in.glsl
- gbuffer_out.glsl
- lightmodel.glsl
- material.glsl
- miplevel.glsl
- omni_lights.glsl
- omni_shadows.glsl
- surface.glsl
- tangentspace.glsl
- time.glsl
- vertex_uv.vsh
- debug.fsh
- entity_material.fsh
- entity_material.vsh
- entity_shadow_dir.fsh
- entity_shadow_dir.vsh
- entity_shadow_omni.fsh
- entity_shadow_omni.vsh
- gloom.dei
- light_global.fsh
- light_global.vsh
- light_sources.fsh
- light_sources.vsh
- sky.fsh
- sky.vsh
- ssao.vsh
- ssao_denoise.fsh
- ssao_sample.fsh
- surface_material.fsh
- surface_material.vsh
- surface_shadow_dir.fsh
- surface_shadow_dir.vsh
- surface_shadow_omni.fsh
- surface_shadow_omni.gsh
- surface_shadow_omni.vsh
- surface_transparent.fsh
- tonemap_exposure.fsh
- tonemap_sample.fsh
- app
- shaders.dei
- src
- approotwidget.cpp
- approotwidget.h
- appwindowsystem.cpp
- appwindowsystem.h
- editor.cpp
- editor.h
- editorwindow.cpp
- editorwindow.h
- globalshortcuts.cpp
- globalshortcuts.h
- gloomapp.cpp
- gloomapp.h
- main.cpp
- mainwindow.cpp
- mainwindow.h
- test_gloom
- apps
Gloom: Promoted Gloom from a test app to a regular app
Now that there is need to use libdoomsday, it should be in the apps