Revision 72359b49
Added by danij over 17 years ago
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted
- doomsday
- engine
- api
- dd_api.h (diff)
- dd_maptypes.h (diff)
- dd_share.h (diff)
- doomsday.def (diff)
- doomsday.h (diff)
- portable
- include
- dd_def.h (diff)
- gl_main.h (diff)
- mapdata.hs (diff)
- p_mapdata.h (diff)
- p_maptypes.h (diff)
- r_data.h (diff)
- r_draw.h (diff)
- r_main.h (diff)
- r_things.h (diff)
- rend_bias.h (diff)
- rend_dyn.h (diff)
- rend_fakeradio.h (diff)
- src
- cl_player.c (diff)
- con_busy.c (diff)
- dam_main.c (diff)
- dd_input.c (diff)
- dd_loop.c (diff)
- dd_main.c (diff)
- dd_pinit.c (diff)
- edit_bias.c (diff)
- gl_main.c (diff)
- gl_texmanager.c (diff)
- net_demo.c (diff)
- include
- api
- engine
Lots of changes towards the $nplanes goal (part 1 of 3):
Todo: Currently the lists of projected lights are maintained until the start of the next frame. With the above changes to the way these are used this is no longer necessary. When a given rendpoly is free'd via R_FreeRendPoly() after being added to the render list(s) we could immediately recycle the dynnodes and dynlights of that list (they are no longer needed).
Other changes: