Revision 52514af5
Added by danij about 14 years ago
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted
- doomsday
- build
- engine
- api
- dd_api.h (diff)
- dd_bitmapfont.h
- dd_compositefont.h
- dd_share.h (diff)
- dd_types.h (diff)
- dd_ui.h (diff)
- doomsday.def (diff)
- doomsday.h (diff)
- data
- cphelp.txt (diff)
- fonts
- readme.txt
- portable
- include
- src
- bitmapfont.c
- con_busy.c (diff)
- con_data.c (diff)
- con_main.c (diff)
- dd_main.c (diff)
- def_data.c (diff)
- def_main.c (diff)
- def_read.c (diff)
- edit_bias.c (diff)
- finaleinterpreter.c (diff)
- gl_drawcompositefont.c
- gl_font.c (diff)
- gl_main.c (diff)
- gl_texmanager.c (diff)
- net_main.c (diff)
- p_bmap.c (diff)
- r_main.c (diff)
- r_sky.c (diff)
- rend_console.c (diff)
- rend_main.c (diff)
- rend_particle.c (diff)
- s_sfx.c (diff)
- sys_reslocator.c (diff)
- sys_sdl_window.c (diff)
- ui2_main.c (diff)
- ui_main.c (diff)
- ui_mpi.c (diff)
- ui_panel.c (diff)
- win32
- api
- plugins
Todo: Why are the game fonts sometimes rendering with no texture until a texreset?
Todo: Implement more robust parsing of a Composite BitmapFont definition and add a template-based name specification method.
Todo: Render composite bitmapfonts to a single texture.