Revision 51bd76a6
Added by skyjake about 12 years ago
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted
- distrib
- doomsday
- config.pri (diff)
- engine
- (diff)
- include
- BspBuilder
- EntityDatabase
- audio
- binarytree.h
- blockset.h
- busymode.h
- cbuffer.h
- client
- con_bar.h
- con_bind.h
- con_config.h
- con_main.h
- consolewindow.h
- dd_def.h
- dd_games.h
- dd_help.h
- dd_loop.h
- dd_main.h
- dd_pinit.h
- dd_version.h
- de_audio.h
- de_base.h
- de_bsp.h
- de_console.h
- de_dam.h
- de_defs.h
- de_edit.h
- de_filesys.h
- de_graphics.h
- de_infine.h
- de_misc.h
- de_network.h
- de_platform.h
- de_play.h
- de_refresh.h
- de_render.h
- de_system.h
- de_ui.h
- def_data.h
- def_main.h
- edit_bias.h
- edit_bsp.h
- edit_map.h
- file.h
- filehandlebuilder.h
- fileid.h
- fileinfo.h
- fs_main.h
- fs_util.h
- game.h
- gamemap.h
- gl_defer.h
- gl_deferredapi.h
- gl_draw.h
- gl_hq2x.h
- gl_main.h
- gl_model.h
- gl_pcx.h
- gl_tex.h
- gl_texmanager.h
- gl_tga.h
- gridmap.h
- image.h
- json.h
- kdtree.h
- library.h
- lumpcache.h
- lumpindex.h
- m_bams.h
- m_decomp64.h
- m_linkedlist.h
- m_md5.h
- m_misc.h
- m_mus2midi.h
- m_nodepile.h
- m_profiler.h
- m_stack.h
- m_vector.h
- map
- mapdata.hs
- network
- p_dmu.h
- p_intercept.h
- p_mapdata.h
- p_maptypes.h
- p_maputil.h
- p_object.h
- p_objlink.h
- p_particle.h
- p_players.h
- p_polyobjs.h
- p_sight.h
- p_ticker.h
- pathtree.h
- propertyvalue.h
- r_main.h
- r_things.h
- r_util.h
- r_world.h
- render
- resource
- resourcenamespace.h
- resourcerecord.h
- sdlnet_dummy.h
- server
- stringarray.h
- svg.h
- sys_console.h
- sys_direc.h
- sys_findfile.h
- sys_opengl.h
- sys_reslocator.h
- sys_system.h
- tab_anorms.h
- template.h.template
- texturecontent.h
- timer.h
- ui
- updater.h
- wad.h
- zip.h
- portable
- include
- BspBuilder
- EntityDatabase
- audio
- audiodriver.h
- audiodriver_music.h
- s_cache.h
- s_environ.h
- s_logic.h
- s_main.h
- s_mus.h
- s_sfx.h
- s_wav.h
- sys_audio.h
- sys_audiod_dummy.h
- sys_audiod_sdlmixer.h
- binarytree.h
- blockset.h
- busymode.h
- cbuffer.h
- client
- cl_def.h
- cl_frame.h
- cl_infine.h
- cl_mobj.h
- cl_player.h
- cl_sound.h
- cl_world.h
- con_bar.h
- con_bind.h
- con_config.h
- con_main.h
- consolewindow.h
- dd_def.h
- dd_games.h
- dd_help.h
- dd_loop.h
- dd_main.h
- dd_pinit.h
- dd_version.h
- de_audio.h
- de_base.h
- de_bsp.h
- de_console.h
- de_dam.h
- de_defs.h
- de_edit.h
- de_filesys.h
- de_graphics.h
- de_infine.h
- de_misc.h
- de_network.h
- de_platform.h
- de_play.h
- de_refresh.h
- de_render.h
- de_system.h
- de_ui.h
- def_data.h
- def_main.h
- edit_bias.h
- edit_bsp.h
- edit_map.h
- file.h
- filehandlebuilder.h
- fileid.h
- fileinfo.h
- fs_main.h
- fs_util.h
- game.h
- gamemap.h
- gl_defer.h
- gl_deferredapi.h
- gl_draw.h
- gl_hq2x.h
- gl_main.h
- gl_model.h
- gl_pcx.h
- gl_tex.h
- gl_texmanager.h
- gl_tga.h
- gridmap.h
- image.h
- json.h
- kdtree.h
- library.h
- lumpcache.h
- lumpindex.h
- m_bams.h
- m_decomp64.h
- m_linkedlist.h
- m_md5.h
- m_misc.h
- m_mus2midi.h
- m_nodepile.h
- m_profiler.h
- m_stack.h
- m_vector.h
- map
- blockmap.h
- blockmapvisual.h
- bsp
- bsptreenode.h
- hedgeinfo.h
- hedgeintercept.h
- hedgetip.h
- hplane.h
- linedefinfo.h
- partitioncost.h
- partitioner.h
- superblockmap.h
- vertexinfo.h
- bspbuilder.h
- bspleaf.h
- bspnode.h
- dam_file.h
- dam_main.h
- entitydatabase.h
- generators.h
- hedge.h
- linedef.h
- plane.h
- polyobj.h
- sector.h
- sidedef.h
- surface.h
- vertex.h
- mapdata.hs
- network
- masterserver.h
- monitor.h
- net_buf.h
- net_demo.h
- net_event.h
- net_main.h
- net_msg.h
- protocol.h
- sys_network.h
- ui_mpi.h
- p_dmu.h
- p_intercept.h
- p_mapdata.h
- p_maptypes.h
- p_maputil.h
- p_object.h
- p_objlink.h
- p_particle.h
- p_players.h
- p_polyobjs.h
- p_sight.h
- p_ticker.h
- pathtree.h
- propertyvalue.h
- r_main.h
- r_things.h
- r_util.h
- r_world.h
- render
- busyvisual.h
- r_draw.h
- r_fakeradio.h
- r_lgrid.h
- r_lumobjs.h
- r_shadow.h
- r_sky.h
- rend_bias.h
- rend_clip.h
- rend_console.h
- rend_decor.h
- rend_dynlight.h
- rend_fakeradio.h
- rend_font.h
- rend_halo.h
- rend_list.h
- rend_main.h
- rend_model.h
- rend_particle.h
- rend_shadow.h
- rend_sky.h
- rend_sprite.h
- vignette.h
- resource
- bitmapfont.h
- colorpalette.h
- font.h
- fonts.h
- material.h
- materials.h
- materialvariant.h
- models.h
- r_data.h
- texture.h
- textures.h
- texturevariant.h
- texturevariantspecification.h
- resourcenamespace.h
- resourcerecord.h
- sdlnet_dummy.h
- server
- sv_def.h
- sv_frame.h
- sv_infine.h
- sv_missile.h
- sv_pool.h
- sv_sound.h
- stringarray.h
- svg.h
- sys_console.h
- sys_direc.h
- sys_findfile.h
- sys_opengl.h
- sys_reslocator.h
- sys_system.h
- tab_anorms.h
- template.h.template
- texturecontent.h
- timer.h
- ui
- b_command.h
- b_context.h
- b_device.h
- b_main.h
- b_util.h
- canvas.h
- canvaswindow.h
- dd_input.h
- displaymode.h
- displaymode_native.h
- fi_main.h
- finaleinterpreter.h
- joystick.h
- keycode.h
- mouse_qt.h
- nativeui.h
- p_control.h
- sys_input.h
- ui2_main.h
- ui_main.h
- ui_panel.h
- window.h
- zonedebug.h
- updater.h
- wad.h
- zip.h
- src
- animator.c
- audio
- audiodriver.cpp
- audiodriver_music.c
- s_cache.c
- s_environ.cpp
- s_logic.c
- s_main.c
- s_mus.c
- s_sfx.c
- s_wav.c
- sys_audiod_dummy.c
- sys_audiod_sdlmixer.c
- binarytree.cpp
- blockset.c
- busymode.cpp
- cbuffer.c
- client
- cl_frame.c
- cl_infine.c
- cl_main.c
- cl_mobj.c
- cl_player.c
- cl_sound.c
- cl_world.c
- con_bar.c
- con_config.c
- con_data.cpp
- con_main.c
- dd_games.cpp
- dd_help.c
- dd_init.cpp
- dd_loop.c
- dd_main.cpp
- dd_pinit.c
- dd_plugin.c
- dd_wad.cpp
- def_data.c
- def_main.cpp
- def_read.c
- dgl_common.c
- dgl_draw.c
- edit_bias.c
- edit_bsp.cpp
- edit_map.cpp
- file.cpp
- filehandle.cpp
- fileid.cpp
- fs_main.cpp
- fs_util.cpp
- game.cpp
- gamemap.c
- gl_defer.c
- gl_deferredapi.c
- gl_draw.c
- gl_drawvectorgraphic.c
- gl_hq2x.c
- gl_main.c
- gl_pcx.c
- gl_tex.c
- gl_texmanager.c
- gl_tga.c
- gridmap.c
- image.cpp
- json.cpp
- kdtree.c
- library.cpp
- lumpindex.cpp
- m_bams.c
- m_decomp64.c
- m_linkedlist.c
- m_md5.c
- m_misc.c
- m_mus2midi.c
- m_nodepile.c
- m_stack.c
- m_vector.c
- map
- blockmap.c
- blockmapvisual.c
- bsp
- hplane.cpp
- partitioner.cpp
- superblockmap.cpp
- bspbuilder.cpp
- bspleaf.cpp
- bspnode.c
- dam_file.c
- dam_main.cpp
- entitydatabase.cpp
- generators.c
- hedge.cpp
- linedef.c
- plane.c
- polyobj.c
- sector.c
- sidedef.c
- surface.c
- vertex.cpp
- network
- masterserver.cpp
- monitor.c
- net_buf.c
- net_demo.c
- net_event.c
- net_main.c
- net_msg.c
- net_ping.c
- protocol.c
- sys_network.c
- ui_mpi.c
- p_data.cpp
- p_dmu.c
- p_intercept.c
- p_maputil.c
- p_mobj.c
- p_objlink.c
- p_particle.c
- p_players.c
- p_polyobjs.c
- p_sight.c
- p_think.c
- p_ticker.c
- pathtree.cpp
- pathtreenode.cpp
- point.c
- propertyvalue.cpp
- r_main.c
- r_things.c
- r_util.c
- r_world.c
- rect.c
- render
- busyvisual.c
- r_draw.c
- r_fakeradio.c
- r_lgrid.c
- r_lumobjs.c
- r_shadow.c
- r_sky.c
- rend_bias.c
- rend_clip.cpp
- rend_console.c
- rend_decor.c
- rend_dynlight.c
- rend_fakeradio.c
- rend_font.c
- rend_halo.c
- rend_list.c
- rend_main.c
- rend_model.c
- rend_particle.c
- rend_shadow.c
- rend_sky.c
- rend_sprite.c
- vignette.c
- resource
- bitmapfont.c
- colorpalette.c
- fonts.cpp
- material.cpp
- materialarchive.c
- materials.cpp
- materialvariant.cpp
- models.cpp
- r_data.c
- texture.cpp
- textures.cpp
- texturevariant.cpp
- resourcenamespace.cpp
- resourcerecord.cpp
- server
- sv_frame.c
- sv_infine.c
- sv_main.c
- sv_missile.c
- sv_pool.c
- sv_sound.cpp
- size.c
- stringarray.cpp
- svg.c
- sys_direc.c
- sys_opengl.c
- sys_reslocator.cpp
- sys_system.c
- tab_tables.c
- template.c.template
- timer.cpp
- ui
- b_command.c
- b_context.c
- b_device.c
- b_main.c
- b_util.c
- canvas.cpp
- canvaswindow.cpp
- dd_input.c
- displaymode.cpp
- displaymode_dummy.c
- fi_main.c
- finaleinterpreter.c
- keycode.cpp
- mouse_qt.cpp
- nativeui.cpp
- p_control.c
- sys_input.c
- ui2_main.c
- ui_main.c
- ui_panel.c
- window.cpp
- zonedebug.c
- updater
- downloaddialog.cpp
- downloaddialog.h
- processcheckdialog.cpp
- processcheckdialog.h
- updateavailabledialog.cpp
- updateavailabledialog.h
- updater.cpp
- updaterdialog.cpp
- updaterdialog.h
- updatersettings.cpp
- updatersettings.h
- updatersettingsdialog.cpp
- updatersettingsdialog.h
- versioninfo.h
- uri.cpp
- wad.cpp
- zip.cpp
- include
- src
- animator.c
- audio
- binarytree.cpp
- blockset.c
- busymode.cpp
- cbuffer.c
- client
- con_bar.c
- con_config.c
- con_data.cpp
- con_main.c
- dd_games.cpp
- dd_help.c
- dd_init.cpp
- dd_loop.c
- dd_main.cpp
- dd_pinit.c
- dd_plugin.c
- dd_wad.cpp
- def_data.c
- def_main.cpp
- def_read.c
- dgl_common.c
- dgl_draw.c
- edit_bias.c
- edit_bsp.cpp
- edit_map.cpp
- file.cpp
- filehandle.cpp
- fileid.cpp
- fs_main.cpp
- fs_util.cpp
- game.cpp
- gamemap.c
- gl_defer.c
- gl_deferredapi.c
- gl_draw.c
- gl_drawvectorgraphic.c
- gl_hq2x.c
- gl_main.c
- gl_pcx.c
- gl_tex.c
- gl_texmanager.c
- gl_tga.c
- gridmap.c
- image.cpp
- json.cpp
- kdtree.c
- library.cpp
- lumpindex.cpp
- m_bams.c
- m_decomp64.c
- m_linkedlist.c
- m_md5.c
- m_misc.c
- m_mus2midi.c
- m_nodepile.c
- m_stack.c
- m_vector.c
- map
- network
- p_data.cpp
- p_dmu.c
- p_intercept.c
- p_maputil.c
- p_mobj.c
- p_objlink.c
- p_particle.c
- p_players.c
- p_polyobjs.c
- p_sight.c
- p_think.c
- p_ticker.c
- pathtree.cpp
- pathtreenode.cpp
- point.c
- propertyvalue.cpp
- r_main.c
- r_things.c
- r_util.c
- r_world.c
- rect.c
- render
- resource
- resourcenamespace.cpp
- resourcerecord.cpp
- server
- size.c
- stringarray.cpp
- svg.c
- sys_direc.c
- sys_opengl.c
- sys_reslocator.cpp
- sys_system.c
- tab_tables.c
- template.c.template
- timer.cpp
- ui
- updater
- uri.cpp
- wad.cpp
- zip.cpp
- versions.pri (diff)
Removed the "portable" source subfolder
The sources are expected to be portable unless otherwise stated.