Revision 518c6244
Added by danij over 14 years ago
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted
- doomsday
- plugins
- jdoom
- defs
- anim.ded
- audio.ded (diff)
- chex
- chex.ded
- doom1
- doom1-share.ded
- doom1-ultimate.ded
- doom1.ded
- doom1finales.ded
- doom1music.ded
- doom2
- doom2-plut
- doom2-plut.ded
- doom2-plutlights.ded
- doom2-tnt
- doom2-tnt.ded
- doom2-tntlights.ded
- doom2.ded
- doom2anim.ded
- doom2skies.ded
- finales.ded (diff)
- hacx.ded
- jdoom.ded (diff)
- lights.ded
- maps.ded
- plutanim.ded
- skies.ded
- special.ded
- src
- defs
- jdoom
- plugins
Reorganised and restructured DED definitions for jDoom so that there is a "top-level" definition file for each game mode registered. Still much work to be done here but this will suffice until we externalise GameInfo.
Now to do the same for the other game plugins...