From 2019-09-06 to 2019-09-19
16:42 Revision 0089f2ee (github): Cleanup
16:03 Revision 022cbfb0 (github): UI|Widgets: Improved player markers in map outline
- Use player color (when given) and include a pin to show the exact location.
16:03 Revision 82e52e2a (github): libgui: Added a "pin" image
12:48 Revision 93220536 (github): Shell: Player markers using label widgets
12:48 Revision 8e7949b7 (github): Shell: GL operations possible during packet handling
12:48 Revision 9ba128c6 (github): Fixed|Client|GL: Keep window activated for GL operations
12:47 Revision e43a5ceb (github): Fixed|FS: Potential crash at disconnect from server
- Double deletion of the remote files folder.
07:25 Revision c07eaf30 (github): Heretic: Added MF3_WALLBOUNCE for bouncing missiles
- The wallbounce flag causes missiles to bounce off walls instead of exploding. The code is the same that is used in He...
21:50 Revision 5601715f (github): UI: Setting up map outline widget for player markers
21:49 Revision 1d567e85 (github): libdoomsday|Protocol: Copying map outline packets
21:36 Revision 32d2c310 (github): macOS: Use the system light/dark mode for native controls
21:35 Revision 403374b1 (github): Shell: Added menu separators
21:35 Revision acbaddb6 (github): libgui: Set focused window based on focus events
21:35 Revision 8e242f3d (github): macOS|libgui: Native OS behaviors
- Use the macOS file dialog for selecting files/folders, and open URLs with /usr/bin/open.
20:55 Revision 41f77a83 (github): Shell: Improved UI style and behavior
15:44 Revision d8f32ee2 (github): Shell: Improved widget layout; opening Help in browser
15:43 Revision 34751eb1 (github): libgui|GuiApp: Added a helper method for opening browser URLs
15:42 Revision f795aa24 (github): libcore|ServerFinder: Cleanup
14:56 Revision e650224c (github): Shell: Config variable type issue
- "Config.LocalServer.gameMode" is expected to be an integer (index in the
list of known games). -
10:38 Revision 2970ddbe (github): Fixed|Shell: Crash when connecting to a server
19:01 Revision c6d0a062 (github): Shell: Ask login password; added more menu items
19:00 Revision 9679291c (github): Fixed|Server: Crash when server terminates remote user
18:59 Revision bae771ed (github): libcore|Address: Improvements
- Removed extra port number from text representation and fixed comparison of IPv4 vs. IPv6 addresses.
18:58 Revision be5f8c65 (github): Fixed|libcore: Check for DST when constructing a Time
19:20 Revision 1b7612e3 (github): Cleanup
19:16 Revision c8b0db79 (github): Cleanup: CoreEvent has a context pointer
- Posted events may need to be cancelled in certain circumstances, so it helps to have a pointer to use as a cancel con...
19:02 Revision 24f1c17d (github): Cleanup
19:01 Revision ab0eee32 (github): Shell: Closing connection; autoselect address in OpenDialog
19:01 Revision 1f5e3a37 (github): libcore|Socket: Cancel notifications when socket deleted
17:00 Revision 6840d9bd (github): Fixed|GLSandbox: Creating window and quitting
16:54 Revision b4974f8f (github): libgui: Window closing and application quit behavior
- Handling the SDL_QUIT event requires some special care.
16:53 Revision d8fb97a9 (github): Shell: Use a proper timer for LinkWindow updates
12:53 Revision 1fdd0411 (github): Refactor: WindowSystem is owned by GuiApp
- Apps no longer need to create their own specialized WindowSystem. Instead, they can use the GuiApp's WindowSystem to ...
12:50 Revision 957cec4f (github): Shell: Invert toolbar icon colors
08:44 Revision 2991e9ef (github): Shell: Setting input focus when opening dialogs
08:44 Revision d7720945 (github): Cleanup|libgui: Constructing key events
- Construct key events based on SDL key and scancode. The DD key can be derived from those. Also, text insertion events...
20:09 Revision 48e807a5 (github): Fixed|Widgets: Minor regressions
- Keep the correct window activated. FoldPanelWidget checks for the widget tree before doing an update.
18:14 Revision a5c4b6bf (github): Cleanup
- Obsolete event handling code.
17:45 Revision 7359ce24 (github): Cleanup
17:43 Revision c0cf8e10 (github): Refactor: Changes related to event processing
17:40 Revision f4e24e9d (github): libgui: Event processing is window-specific
- BaseWindow has access to the root widget, so it pass events to the window's widget tree. GLState is also window-speci...
17:37 Revision 29896217 (github): Cleanup|libcore: Systems do not handle events
- Events are window-specific, so subsystems do not handle them. Instead, event are dispatched to specific window root w...
23:14 Revision a80dd49f (github): Shell: Opening a connection
23:14 Revision 41c876b3 (github): libgui: Improving multi-window event handling
12:55 Revision 3e29ce2b (github): Shell: Margins for the map outline
12:55 Revision 897a8bb9 (github): Shell: Widgets for the Options page
12:55 Revision 5fbeb59a (github): Multiplayer|libdoomsday: Command formatting
09:37 Revision cec1a79f (github): Cleanup: Code style update
- Consistent use of const.
09:27 Revision cbaed3cf (github): Cleanup: Code style update
- Consistent use of const.
09:25 Revision f4fddfc5 (github): Updated stb headers to the latest version
09:18 Revision 9542ae0b (github): Cleanup: Code style update in libraries
- Consistent use of const.
09:04 Revision 32428eca (github): Tests: Cleanup
09:03 Revision 3bf7e70a (github): Shell: Cleanup
09:00 Revision 05bf3f91 (github): Shell: Cleanup
20:27 Revision df78826b (github): Shell: Show remote log messages
20:27 Revision c1b52e78 (github): Shell: Map outline visual tweaks
20:26 Revision f4d0a401 (github): Widgets: Changing the font of TabWidget
20:26 Revision 947f4e20 (github): Fixed|libdoomsday: Game library information
20:02 Revision d8f88bbc (github): Shell: Showing the map outline
20:02 Revision d0683a62 (github): Widgets|libcore: API improvement for setting focus
20:02 Revision e51b6517 (github): Widgets|UI: Customize colors in MapOutlineWidget
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