From 2018-09-15 to 2018-09-28
21:30 Revision 2288412d (github): Widgets|libappfw: Adjusted HiDPI scaling of small windows
21:12 Revision 99c2ffbc (github): Widgets|libappfw: Changed panel/popup opening animation style
21:11 Revision 2e56ae97 (github): Animation|libcore: Added a softer ease-out animation style
20:10 Revision 5c9f2d22 (github): Menu|Controls|All Games: Improve control bindings menu layout
- Wrap bindings on multiple lines per menu item.
23:05 Revision 2c151908 (github): Menu: Improvements to the Controls menu; faster drawing
22:15 Revision 99394c99 (github): Menu|All Games: Multiple improvements to menu behavior and appearance
14:00 Revision 2625f953 (github): Automap|Heretic: Adjusted Heretic map colors to closely match vanilla
13:22 Revision 0045744c (github): Automap|Hexen|Fixed: Map scaling glitches
- Initial view scale was undefined, which lead to some divide-by-zeroes.
Hopefully this is fixed fully by these changes... -
12:47 Revision b84a0587 (github): Cleanup
12:27 Revision 893e92ba (github): Automap: Ensure automap initial view position gets set
11:20 Revision b3b12527 (github): Automap|libcommon: Added a menu item for toggling map rotation mode
22:28 Revision 434baa79 (github): Automap|Heretic|Hexen: Improved automap background picture, line width
- The Heretic and Hexen map now has an improved background picture
with scrolling and zooming and matches the map viewp... -
22:26 Revision 3e001288 (github): GL|libgui|Client: Draw lines as triangle strips with custom width
- The DGL shader now supports lines with any width. The automap and
crosshairs may use line widths outside the supporte...
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