



From 2007-04-09 to 2007-04-22


23:16 Revision 9076def2 (github): Fixed FTBFS issue reported by Yagisan and Dave. Also removed an unreferenced local in LG_Init()
23:06 Revision 3a4fd97f (github): Use floating point 0 - 1 when dealing with rgb colors. All code updated except when dealing directly with vertices (i.e. in the bias lighting code).
Part #3 of 3. danij
23:05 Revision 9554c0b8 (github): Use floating point 0 - 1 when dealing with rgb colors. All code updated except when dealing directly with vertices (i.e. in the bias lighting code).
Found and fixed an issue with the light grid which resulted in evaluated points returning {0, 0, 0} if the evaluation... danij
23:04 Revision a456930b (github): Use floating point 0 - 1 when dealing with rgb colors. All code updated except when dealing directly with vertices (i.e. in the bias lighting code).
Found and fixed an issue with the light grid which resulted in evaluated points returning {0, 0, 0} if the evaluation... danij


19:23 Revision 3331596a (github): Parameterized Rend_RenderModel(). Parameters are packed into modelparams_t before being passed in instead of vissprite_t. vissprite-type specific logic branching formerly in Rend_RenderModel() now happens externally to this routine by use of the passed parameters. Particle and sky models are now translated directly to modelparams_t so the VSPR_SKY_MODEL and VSPR_PARTICLE_MODEL vissprite types have been removed.
Implemented a new vissprite type VSPR_DECORATION to explicitly state when a vissprite is a light decoration. danij


09:51 Revision 449a9890 (github): Draw linedef normals in the automap if cheatmode > 1.
In the automap only draw separate segs when required (when showing subsectors). Draw full linedefs normally. danij
09:49 Revision fad35bb9 (github): Fixed a logic error in fakeradio neighbor searching which could lead to an infinite loop with certain map geometry.


22:53 Revision 12c3fb70 (github): Continued work on fakeradio, leverage structure of the vertex line owners in order to locate side neighbors dynamically. No initialization step is required for fakeradio line neighbors. New method uses recursive searches to find appropriate neighbors. Revised the back extended offsets so that each line pair has a back extended offset (this greatly improves the accuracy fakeradio edge shadows).
There are now only two (minor) issues with fakeradio edge shadow generation:
TODO: Certain map geometry will cause fo...


18:16 Revision 7ea518cf (github): Fixed bug in the xg ccmds move(floor/ceil). If a mode was not specified it would result in a segfault when trying to dereference a NULL sector ptr.


02:17 Revision 498f4a6c (github): Revised RL_VertexColors() so that per-vertex lighting is only calculated for rendpolys that require it (i.e. skymask, shadow and dynlight are skipped). 2D distance to vertices from the viewer is now calculated here when required, if there is NOT an override. A distance override is applied to all vertices of the rendpoly, uniformly. Per poly alpha can be specified (applied uniformly to all vertices).


20:15 Revision 78b9c1bd (github): Cleanup. Micro-optimization for GL_ScaleBuffer32() because I felt like it :)


13:47 Revision 679d58ec (github): Further work on the automap.
Re-implemented glowing lines based on line special. Outside parties are able to register a set of requirements for a ... danij


08:47 Revision 6a65d1d3 (github): Begun cleaning up the interface to the automap code.
Each local player's map now stores its own internal config for things like color, alpha etc preferences. The game con... danij

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