


  • Registered on: 2017-03-16
  • Last connection: 2017-03-16




22:03 Doomsday Engine Bug #2214: package list not populated
Wiping .doomsday and all installed files fixed it, it seems I messed up versions. I assumed it was a bug because befo...
21:48 Doomsday Engine Bug #2216: qt locale setting
The issue is fixed with 7bb85733b14, thanks.
20:49 Doomsday Engine Bug #2215: warning message
Sorry, seems that fragments of an older installation remained in /usr/lib64; uninstalled manually everything, now it'...
12:43 Doomsday Engine Bug #2216 (Closed): qt locale setting
Linux os (manjaro). I have to start doomsday with ENV=LANG C, otherwise I get the same error as in #1021. It seems th...
12:38 Doomsday Engine Bug #2215 (Closed): warning message
warning appears in home page (and console). It seems everything else is working, aside from package loading.
12:34 Doomsday Engine Bug #2214 (Closed): package list not populated
In home page: select a game with a proper wad and try to select a package : wheel spins but no packages are added to ...

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